Audio Recording Deborah A. Miranda reads and discusses Indigenous Physics: The Element Colonizatium on July 18, 2020. Indigenous Physics : The Element Colonizatium

Deborah A. Miranda reads and discusses Indigenous Physics : The Element Colonizatium
Audio recording of poet reading and discussing poem.
About this Item
- Deborah A. Miranda reads and discusses Indigenous Physics: The Element Colonizatium on July 18, 2020.
Other Title
- Indigenous Physics : The Element Colonizatium
- Deborah A. Miranda reads and discusses her poem "Indigenous Physics: The Element Colonizatium" on July 18, 2020, from a log cabin on the Maury River in Rockbridge Baths, Virginia. Miranda is both an enrolled member of the Ohlone-Costanoan Esselen Nation of the Greater Monterey Bay Area and of Chumash ancestry. Her mixed-genre book Bad Indians: A Tribal Memoir (Heyday 2013), received the 2015 PEN-Oakland Josephine Miles Literary Award. She is the Thomas H. Broadus, Jr. Professor of English at Washington and Lee University in Virginia, where she teaches literature of the margins and creative writing.
- Miranda, Deborah A., author, speaker.
- Library of Congress. Poetry and Literature Center, sponsor.
Created / Published
- 2020.
- - American poetry--Indian authors
- - American poetry--21st century
- - Indians of North America--Poetry
- Poetry
- Poetry readings (Sound recordings)
- Sound recordings
- Digital photographs--Color--2010-2020
- - Living Nations, Living Words: A Collection of First Peoples Poetry (AFC 2020/004: 09) Archive of Folk Culture, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
- - In English and Esselen.
- 1 audio file (0:16:42) : digital, wav
- 1 photograph : digital, jpg, color
- 2 manuscripts (7 pages) : digital, pdf
Source Collection
- Living Nations, Living Words: A Collection of First Peoples Poetry AFC 2020/004
- Library of Congress Archive of Folk Culture, American Folklife Center, 101 Independence Ave. S.E., Washington, DC USA 20540-4610
Digital Id
- afc2020004.afc2020004_09_ph01
- afc2020004.afc2020004_09_ms01
- afc2020004.afc2020004_09_ms02
Library of Congress Control Number
- 2020785209
Rights Advisory
- Duplication of collection materials may be governed by copyright and other restrictions.
- Deborah A. Miranda, "Indigenous Physics: The Element Colonizatium" first published in American Indian Culture and Research Journal 42:2 (2018). Copyright © by Deborah A. Miranda. Reprinted with the permission of the author. Photo courtesy of photographer Kevin Remington.
Access Advisory
- Collection is open for research. To request materials, please contact the Folklife Reading Room at
Online Format
- image
- audio