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Book/Printed Material Legislation of His Highness the Most Pious and Genuine Sovereign of all Ungro-Vlahia, Lord, Lord Iōannēs Geōrgiou Karatzas, Voivode.

About this Item


  • Legislation of His Highness the Most Pious and Genuine Sovereign of all Ungro-Vlahia, Lord, Lord Iōannēs Geōrgiou Karatzas, Voivode.


  • Nomothesia tou hypsēlotatou kai eusevestatou authentou kai hēgemonos pasēs Oungrovlachias, kyriou kyriou Iōannou Geōrgiou Karatza voevoda (Legislation of His Highness the most pious and genuine sovereign of all Ungro-Vlahia, Lord, Lord Iōannēs Geōrgiou Karatzas, Voivode) is a 19th century legal code for Romania. It was written at the command of the Phanariot Ioannes Georgiou Karatzas (also seen as Caradja and Caragea), who was prince of Wallachia in 1812-16. The Phanariots were Greeks living in Constantinople who became influential under the Ottomans. Legiuirea Caragea was written by logothetes (senior administrators) Athanasie Hristopol and Nestor Predescu Craiovescu, together with the noblemen Constantin Balaceanu and Radu Balaceanu. Begun in 1816, this legal code was published in 1818, in Romanian and Greek. The Greek edition was printed in Vienna, in Joannes Bartholomeu Tzweck's printing house. The intention was to create by its promulgation a modern legal code for the Romanian lands. It is composed of six parts: rules of civil and commercial law (the first four parts), criminal law (the fifth part), and procedural law (the sixth part), organized according to provisions on people, property, bonds, wills, and procedure. For the first time in Romanian legislation, judicial abuse became a crime. The punishments for various offenses were the same as in the older laws. Major punishments included mutilation by cutting off the hand or nose, beating or flogging, exposure in the public market, prison, and exile. Legiuirea Caragea remained in force until December 1, 1865, when it was replaced by the Civil Code.


  • Bălăceanu, Constantin, author.
  • Bălăceanu, Radu, author.
  • Christopoulos, Athanasios, 1772-1847, author.
  • Craiovescu, Nestor, approximately 1766-1838, author.
  • Höfel, Blasius, 1792-1863, engraver.
  • Karatzas, Iōannēs Geōrgiou.

Created / Published

  • Vienna : Joannes Bartholomeu Tzweck, 1818.


  • -  Romania
  • -  1816 to 1818
  • -  Civil law
  • -  Commercial law
  • -  Criminal Law, Administration of
  • -  Jurisprudence
  • -  Karatzas, Iōannēs Geōrgiou, approximately 1754-1844
  • -  Kings and rulers
  • -  Ottoman Empire, 1288-1918
  • -  Procedure (Law)
  • -  Taxation


  • -  Title devised, in English, by Library staff.
  • -  Original resource extent: 136 pages : illustrations.
  • -  Reference extracted from World Digital Library: Loredana-Maria Ilin-Grozoiu, "The constitutional philosophy and practice in the Romanian Principalities in 1765-1832," Revista de Stiinte Politice, number 47, 2015.|P.M. External Kitromilides and Anna Tabaki, editors, Greek-Romanian Relations: Interculturalism and National Identity (Athens: Institute for Neo-Hellenic Research, The National Hellenic Research Foundation, 2004).
  • -  Original resource at: National Library of Romania.
  • -  Content in Modern Greek (1453-).
  • -  Description based on data extracted from World Digital Library, which may be extracted from partner institutions.


  • 1 online resource.

Digital Id

Library of Congress Control Number

  • 2021666640

Online Format

  • compressed data
  • pdf
  • image

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Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Bălăceanu, Constantin, Author, Radu Bălăceanu, Athanasios Christopoulos, Nestor Craiovescu, Blasius Höfel, and Iōannēs Geōrgiou Karatzas. Legislation of His Highness the Most Pious and Genuine Sovereign of all Ungro-Vlahia, Lord, Lord Iōannēs Geōrgiou Karatzas, Voivode. Vienna: Joannes Bartholomeu Tzweck, 1818. Pdf.

APA citation style:

Bălăceanu, C., Bălăceanu, R., Christopoulos, A., Craiovescu, N., Höfel, B. & Karatzas, I. G. (1818) Legislation of His Highness the Most Pious and Genuine Sovereign of all Ungro-Vlahia, Lord, Lord Iōannēs Geōrgiou Karatzas, Voivode. Vienna: Joannes Bartholomeu Tzweck. [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Bălăceanu, Constantin, Author, et al. Legislation of His Highness the Most Pious and Genuine Sovereign of all Ungro-Vlahia, Lord, Lord Iōannēs Geōrgiou Karatzas, Voivode. Vienna: Joannes Bartholomeu Tzweck, 1818. Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.