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Book/Printed Material Plan of Ayala. Plan de Ayala

About this Item


  • Plan of Ayala.

Other Title

  • Plan de Ayala


  • John Womack, historian of the Mexican Revolution, has called the Plan of Ayala the "Sacred Scripture" of the Zapatistas. Written by Emiliano Zapata and Otilio Montaño, and signed on November 25, 1911, the plan was proclaimed in Ayala, Morelos, on November 28 of the same year. It became the blueprint for the Zapatista rebellion after its break with the initiator of the Mexican Revolution, Francisco I. Madero. Besides condemning the "treason" of the more conciliatory Madero, the Plan of Ayala puts forward the demands of the Zapatista agrarian rebellion: restitution of lands taken from villages during the Porfiriato, and agrarian redistribution of the larger haciendas, with compensation. Zapatista peasants, based in the southern state of Morelos, would claim these rights by arms, continuing the rebellion started, but not completed, by Madero.


  • Montaño, Otilio, 1877-1917 Author.
  • Zapata, Emiliano, 1879-1919 Author.

Created / Published

  • [place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], 1911-11-25.


  • -  Mexico--Morelos--Ayala
  • -  1911
  • -  Madero, Francisco I., 1873-1913
  • -  Mexican Revolution, 1910-1920
  • -  Zapata, Emiliano, 1879-1919
  • -  Zapatistas


  • -  Title devised, in English, by Library staff.
  • -  Original resource extent: 34.3 x 22.2 centimeters.
  • -  Original resource at: Center for the Study of the History of Mexico CARSO.
  • -  Content in Spanish.
  • -  Description based on data extracted from World Digital Library, which may be extracted from partner institutions.


  • 1 online resource.

Digital Id

Library of Congress Control Number

  • 2021667593

Online Format

  • compressed data
  • pdf
  • image

Additional Metadata Formats

IIIF Presentation Manifest

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Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Montaño, Otilio, Author, and Emiliano Zapata. Plan of Ayala. [Place of Publication Not Identified: Publisher Not Identified, -11-25, 1911] Pdf.

APA citation style:

Montaño, O. & Zapata, E. (1911) Plan of Ayala. [Place of Publication Not Identified: Publisher Not Identified, -11-25] [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Montaño, Otilio, Author, and Emiliano Zapata. Plan of Ayala. [Place of Publication Not Identified: Publisher Not Identified, -11-25, 1911] Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.