Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as
a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.
Chicago citation style:
Great Britain. Army. East African Engineers. East African And Southern Rhodesian Base Survey Company, 157Th Contributor, N. A. Associated Name Middlemas, and Land Uganda. Survey. Ankole District, Uganda. Entebbe, Uganda: Great Britain. Army. East African Engineers. East African and Southern Rhodesian Base Survey Company, 157th, -09, 1945. Map.
APA citation style:
Great Britain. Army. East African Engineers. East African And Southern Rhodesian Base Survey Company, 1. C., Middlemas, N. A. A. N. & Uganda. Survey, L. (1945) Ankole District, Uganda. Entebbe, Uganda: Great Britain. Army. East African Engineers. East African and Southern Rhodesian Base Survey Company, 157th, -09. [Map] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Great Britain. Army. East African Engineers. East African And Southern Rhodesian Base Survey Company, 157Th Contributor, N. A. Associated Name Middlemas, and Land Uganda. Survey. Ankole District, Uganda. Entebbe, Uganda: Great Britain. Army. East African Engineers. East African and Southern Rhodesian Base Survey Company, 157th, -09, 1945. Map. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.