Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as
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Chicago citation style:
Boiarskii, Adolf-Nikolay Erazmovich Photographer. Hanzhong Fu, Major Tea Trading Market in Shaanxi Province. A White Marble Gateway Pailou outside a Walled Enclosure with an Elegant Tower. China. Hanzhong China Shaanxi Province, 1875. [Place of Publication Not Identified: Publisher Not Identified] Photograph.
APA citation style:
Boiarskii, A. E. P. (1875) Hanzhong Fu, Major Tea Trading Market in Shaanxi Province. A White Marble Gateway Pailou outside a Walled Enclosure with an Elegant Tower. China. Hanzhong China Shaanxi Province, 1875. [Place of Publication Not Identified: Publisher Not Identified] [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Boiarskii, Adolf-Nikolay Erazmovich Photographer. Hanzhong Fu, Major Tea Trading Market in Shaanxi Province. A White Marble Gateway Pailou outside a Walled Enclosure with an Elegant Tower. China. [Place of Publication Not Identified: Publisher Not Identified] Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.