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Chicago citation style:
Youngster, Clutching His Soldier Father, Gazes Upward While the Latter Lifts His Wife from the Ground to Wish Her a "Merry Christmas": The serviceman is one of those fortunate enough to be able to get home for the holidays. United States of America, 1944. New York: Office for Emergency Management, Office of War Information, Overseas Operations Branch, -12. Photograph.
APA citation style:
(1944) Youngster, Clutching His Soldier Father, Gazes Upward While the Latter Lifts His Wife from the Ground to Wish Her a "Merry Christmas": The serviceman is one of those fortunate enough to be able to get home for the holidays. United States of America, 1944. New York: Office for Emergency Management, Office of War Information, Overseas Operations Branch, -12. [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Youngster, Clutching His Soldier Father, Gazes Upward While the Latter Lifts His Wife from the Ground to Wish Her a "Merry Christmas": The serviceman is one of those fortunate enough to be able to get home for the holidays. New York: Office for Emergency Management, Office of War Information, Overseas Operations Branch, -12. Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.