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Film, Video Eradicating HIV and Hepatitis B.

Event video

About this Item


  • Eradicating HIV and Hepatitis B.


  • The John W. Kluge Center sponsored a symposium, "Eradicating HIV and Hepatitis B," in partnership with the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) and the Hepatitis B Foundation (HBF), with support from the Dana Foundation. The development of an HIV vaccine is one of the most important global public health priorities, according to experts. Nearly three million deaths from AIDS occurred in 2006 alone. Each day, nearly 12,000 individuals become infected with HIV, with 95 percent of the cases in the developing world. The development of a safe and effective AIDS vaccine is the world's best hope to end the pandemic. Although the number of people chronically infected with Hepatitis B worldwide (300 million) is not challenged, HBF has suggested that the number of people in the United States who are chronically infected has been significantly underestimated. There is a safe and effective vaccine to immunize people against Hepatitis B, but HBF suggests that vaccine-induced "escape mutants" are emerging to threaten current worldwide control strategy. The symposium was organized by Raymond Dwek, Oxford University professor and head of the glycobiology department. Dwek is the holder of the Chair of Technology and Society at the Kluge Center. In addition to Dwek, participants included Seth Berkley, IAVI; Timothy M. Block, HBF and Drexel College of Medicine; Baruch S. Blumberg, Fox Chase Cancer Center; Dennis Burton, Scripps Research Institute; Paul F. Coleman, Abbott Laboratories; Molly Conti, HBF; Alison Evans, HBF and Drexel University School of Public Health; Gary J. Nabel, National Institutes of Health; David Thomas, Johns Hopkins University; Bruce Walker, Harvard Medical School; and John Ward, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


  • Library of Congress
  • John W. Kluge Center (Library of Congress), sponsoring body

Created / Published

  • Washington, D.C. : Library of Congress, 2007-05-10.


  • -  Government, Law
  • -  Technology, Industry
  • -  Government, World Affairs
  • -  Science, Technology


  • -  Classification: General Works.
  • -  Classification: Medicine.
  • -  Classification: Science.
  • -  Classification: Technology.
  • -  Various.
  • -  Recorded on 2007-05-10.
  • -  Researchers.


  • 1 online resource

Digital Id

Library of Congress Control Number

  • 2021687825

Online Format

  • video
  • image

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Credit Line: Library of Congress

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Chicago citation style:

Library Of Congress, and Sponsoring Body John W. Kluge Center. Eradicating HIV and Hepatitis B. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, -05-10, 2007. Video.

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Library Of Congress & John W. Kluge Center, S. B. (2007) Eradicating HIV and Hepatitis B. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, -05-10. [Video] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

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Library Of Congress, and Sponsoring Body John W. Kluge Center. Eradicating HIV and Hepatitis B. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, -05-10, 2007. Video. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.