Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as
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Chicago citation style:
Varvelli, Arturo, Editor, and Brookings Institution. Brookings Doha Center. The rise and future of militias in the MENA region. editeds by Alaaldin, Ranj, Saini Fasanotti, Ferica, and Yousef, Tarik Milan: ISPI: Ledizioni LediPublishing, November, 2019. Pdf.
APA citation style:
Varvelli, A. & Brookings Institution. Brookings Doha Center, Alaaldin, R., Saini Fasanotti, F. & Yousef, T., eds. (2019) The rise and future of militias in the MENA region. Milan: ISPI: Ledizioni LediPublishing, November. [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Varvelli, Arturo, Editor, and Brookings Institution. Brookings Doha Center. The rise and future of militias in the MENA region. ed by Alaaldin, Ranj, Saini Fasanotti, Ferica, and Yousef, Tarik Milan: ISPI: Ledizioni LediPublishing, November, 2019. Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.