Book/Printed Material A.- No. 15. Revision. State of New Jersey. An act relative to commissioners for taking the acknowledgments and proofs of deeds. [1846?].
About this Item
- A.- No. 15. Revision. State of New Jersey. An act relative to commissioners for taking the acknowledgments and proofs of deeds. [1846?].
- New Jersey. Laws, statutes, etc.
Created / Published
- 1846.
- - United States--New Jersey
- Broadsides--New Jersey
- - Printed Ephemera Collection; Portfolio 99, Folder 59d.
- 2 p.; 31 x 20 cm.
Call Number/Physical Location
- Portfolio 99, Folder 59d
Source Collection
- Broadsides, leaflets, and pamphlets from America and Europe
Digital Id
Library of Congress Control Number
- 2021768232
OCLC Number
- rbpe0990590d
Online Format
- online text
- image
LCCN Permalink
Additional Metadata Formats
Part of
- New Jersey
- New Jersey. Laws, Statutes, Etc
- Printed Ephemera Collection (Library of Congress)
- United States
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Suggested credit line: Library of Congress, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Printed Ephemera Collection.
The following items are included in Printed Ephemera: Three Centuries of Broadsides and Other Printed Ephemera, with permission as follows:
- 15th Century bookshow, at National Arts Club. August 23, 1926. [Photograph]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- 1837. The centennial of the beginning of college education for women and of coeducation on the college level 1937. [by] Ernest Hatch Wilkins. President of Oberlin college. Oberlin, Ohio June 15, 1937. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Roland Baumann, College Archivist & Department Head, Oberlin College Archives, 420 Mudd Center, 148 West College Street, Oberlin, OH, 44074-1532
- 1940 alumni reunion. The University of Chicago. [Letter giving tentative program]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Larry Arbeiter, Director of Communications, Univ. of Chicago, University News Office, 5801 South Ellis Avenue, Room 200, Chicago, IL, 60637-1473 USA
- ABC of the U. S. A. Arcadia, Calif., Raccoon Press, c1964. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Ad multos annos : William Butler Yeats in his seventieth year MCMXXXV ÷ 500 copies of Joyce Mayhew's tribute to William Butler Yeats printed by the Eucalyptus Press [Mills College, Oakland, California] for Albert M. Bender, September 1935. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Janice Braun, F. W. Olin Library, Mills College, 5000 MacArthur Blvd., Oakland, CA, 94613
- America first. Not merely in matters material, but in things of the spirit ... From a sermon by Bishop G. Ashton Oldham in Washington, D. C., September 7. 1924. Published by the National Council for prevention of war, 532 Seventeeth St. N. W. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Deacon Francis X. Enderle, Executive Director, Archdiocesan Pastoral Center, 5001 Eastern Avenue, Hyattsville, MD, 20782-3447
- America, [by] E. V. H. [San Francisco 1925?]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Kathy Walkup, Program Head, Book Arts Program, Mills College, 5000 McArthur Blvd., Oakland, CA, 94613
- The American times- chronicle. Containing the freshest advices - both foreign and domestic. December 1776. [n. p.] Copyright 1935 by Herbert A. Woodruff. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Arrow auto touring chart. Not a map. Trans-continental. Your destination at a glance. Where to and how to go ... New York Zamkin Press. 1939. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- The art of living ... Gabriel Wells. Christmas 1942. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- The assize of ale. An informal audit of comments, curiosities, anecdotes and episodes, odds and ends of history and tradition all with more or less relation to Trinity audit ale ... New York, 1937. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Baker Memorial Library 1928-1953. Dartmouth College Hanover, New Hampshire, [1953]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Philip N. Cronenwett, Special Collections Librarian, Rauner Special Collections Library, 6065 Webster Hall, Hanover, NH, 03755
- Ballet de coon. Arcadia, Calif., Raccoon Press, c1964. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Baseball's most devoted fan Dr. James Penniman, of Philadelphia, has two hobbies - to collect and give away libraries and to watch ball games ... By Harry Robert. Reprinted from the Baseball magazine of December, 1929 ... Norwich, Conn. Bulletin Print. [1929]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- The beautiful Potomac by Thomas Joseph Conlon. Washington, D. C. Conlon press 1929]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- A bill of rights as provided in the ten original amendments to the constitution of the United States in force December 15, 1791. [n. p. 195-]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- A bill of rights as provided in the ten original amendments to the constitution of the United States in force December 15, 1791. [n. p. 1942?]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- The blackest rose. [Berkeley, Calif.] Printed for Oyez by The Auerhahn Press, c1964. This item is included in this Collection with permission from David Meltzer, Poetics Department, 777 Valencia St., San Francisco, CA, 94110
- Bridwell Library ... presents in exhibition the private collection of Charles Caldwell Ryrie Marh 19-April 1, 1966 ... [Dallas, 1966]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Eric M. White, Curator of Special Collections, Bridwell Library, Southern Methodist University, P. O. Box 750476, Dallas, TX, 75275
- [A broadside picturing Leon Plante and the churn in which he lives, accompanied by explanatory matter] [Roseau, Minn. 1938?]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Bulletin No. 45, 59, 62, 86. 88, 91 ... New York City [1924]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Capriccio, poems by Ted Hughes, engravings by Leonard Baskin. Searsmont, Maine : Gehenna Press, 1990. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Kenneth N. Shure, The Gehenna Press, P.O. Box 687, Rockport, ME, 04856
- The chart of knowledge. Compiled and copyrighted, 1936 by Prof. Geo. W. Muhleman, Hamline university. Rockford, Illinois. Published by Eclipse Fuel Engineering Company [1936]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Thelma Boeder, Archivist, Hamline University, Hamline University, 1536 Hewitt Avenue, St. Paul, MN, 55104-1284 USA
- Civic auditorium, San Francisco, The Miracle, Dec. 27, 1926---Jan. 15, 1927. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Julie Burford, Assistant General Manager, 99 Grove Street, San Francisco, CA, 94102 U. S. A.
- Congressional dictionary words, phrases and veiled allusions for use in effective lobbying together with methods of approach and convayancing for spontaneous legislation by Avery Quercus [pseud] [blank] Baltimore. Maryland Salt House press [1936]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- The crow. [n. p. n. d.]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- D. C. Stephenson behind move which brought 15 absent senators back. Leader confers with heads of minority in hotel at Dayton, after which "Travelers board bus for home ... Indianapolis. February 27, 1925. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Mark Tomasik, Managing Editor, SHNS, 1090 Vermont Avenue, N.W., Suite 1000, Washington, D.C., 20005
- A daily prayer for the modern Jew. By Rabbi S. Felix Mendelsohn, Temple Beth Israel, Chicago. [c. 1938]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Frederic A. Mendelsohn, Schoenberg, Fisher, Newman & Rosenberg, Ltd., Suite 2100, 222 South Riverside Plaza, Chicago, IL, 60606-6101 USA
- The dance. [Santa Barbara, Calif.] Unicorn Press, 1967. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- The dangerous age ... H. C. Apgar. Elizabeth. N. J. [1938]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- A declaration of dependence and independence nailed on the door of Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Flag day, June 14, 1910 ... Baltimore, Md. Salt House Press. 1930. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- The defense of Wake. [San Francisco. The Windsor Press. 1942?] The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Die Konstellationen ... the constellations. [Santa Barbara, Calif.] Unicorn Press, 1967. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Dinner on the occasion of the silver jubilee Central manufacturers club, Thursday, October 16th, 1930 at the Chamberlin-Vanderbilt hotel. Old Point Comfort, Virginia. Oct. 16, 1930. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Dorian (an epic poem). Arcadia, Calif., Raccoon Press, c. 1964. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Dos poemas [translated by] Ellinor Randall. [Santa Barbara, Calif.] Unicorn Press, 1967. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Duke University centennial celebration Trinity College- Duke University 1838-1839-1938-1939. Preliminary program of the centennial celebration April 21, 22 and 23, 1939. Durham, N. C. [1939]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Timothy D. Pratt, Archivist, Duke University Archives, Box 90202, Durham, NC, 27708-0185
- An early American recipe for making home brew. Peregrine Press The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Effects of eugenic sterilization as practiced in California ... The Human betterment foundation, Pasadena, California. [1937?]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Judith R. Goodstein, University Archivist, Caltech, Institute Archives, Caltech, Mail Code 015A-74, Pasadena, CA, 91125
- El mensaje del Tirano. Jose Heriberto Lopez. Nueva York Mayo 1924. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- The election of the President of the United States of America. [s. 1., s. n.] 1936?. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Evolution of stimulants .... H. C. Apgar. Elizabeth. N. J. 1938. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- An exhibition books & manuscripts of Joseph Hergesheimer in the treasure room Princeton University library from March 6 to April 6. The formal opening of the exhibition follows the gathering of friends to greet Mr. Hergesheimer at 40 Mercer Street on the evening of March 5, 1942 [Princeton. N. J. 1942]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Ben Primer, Associate University Librarian, Harvey S. Firestone Library, One Washington Road, Princeton, NJ, 08544-2098
- An exhibition of American design. Chicago, Lakeside press. [1947]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Robert G. Nieland, R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company, 77 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL, 60601-1696
- Extract from a speech made by Mr. Charles Evans Hughes, former secretary of state, before the American society of international law, April 28, 1927. [New York, 1927]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Farley memorial expedition stamp ... Designed and executed by the art department of the Salt House Press, Baltimore. Maryland 1935. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- The federal bible being strict interpretations of the laws of political economy for the guidance of the legislative, executive and judicial branches of a government under a democracy. To which is added A new declaration of independence for the emancipation of independent voters and the elimination of political conspiracy and usurpation by Lewis McKenzie Turner. Baltimore, Maryland. Salt House Press 1932. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- The first battle for political freedom by Lewis McKenzie Turner. Baltimore, Maryland. Salt House Press 1930. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- The first look through the window ... [translated by] George Tabori. [Santa Barbara, Calif.] Unicorn Press, 1967. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Jerold Couture, Fitelson, Lasky, Aslan & Couture: Atty's at Law, 551 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY, 10176-0078 USA
- The Folger Poetry series presents John Hawkes. 22 January 1973. [Washington, D.C., 1973]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Sophie T. Hawkes, 18 Everett Ave., Providence, RI, 02906. This item is included in this Collection by permission of The Folger Shakespeare Library.
- For the occasion of the one millionth volume celebrated by the University of Nebraska Libraries--Lincoln, 13 July 1971. [Lincoln? 1971?]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Mary Ellen Ducey, Special Collections/Archives Librarian, N209 Love Library, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, 68588-0410
- Founding of Transylvania to be commemorated in state Oct. 12 [1935]. By Dr. Archibald Henderson. [n. p. 1935]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Helen Tibbo, 201 W. Fisher Street, Salisbury, NC, 28144 U.S.A.
- The general. Boston, Impressions Workshop, 1966. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Geneva forever! a slogan for civilization by John Judson Hamilton. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- [The Goucher College broadsides. Nos. 1-7] [Baltimore, 1943]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Ms. Sydney Roby, Special Collections and Preservation Librarian, Julia Rogers Library, Goucher College, 1021 Dulaney Valley Road, Baltimore, MD, 21204
- Gov Osborn tells how it feels to be seriously ill; lauds Sault hospital. Experiences in delirium of pneumonia described by former governor, now recuperating at his camp. By Chase S. Osborn. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Ken Filkins, Editor, Sault Ste. Marie Evening News, 109 Arlington Street, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, 49783
- The governors of 1933. Fellowship has been the means of forming many enduring friendships on Kiwanis. The governors of the twenty-nine districts representing the nearly 1,900 clubs of Kiwanis Internation in the United States and Canada for 1933 are so impressed with this fact that they hereby constitute themselves into an order of friendliness ... Washington Brewood, 1933. This item is included in this Collection with permission from David Williams, Kiwanis International, Public Relations Department, 3636 Woodview Trace, Indianapolis, IN, 46268-3196
- The great seal of the United States. Author and publisher. Otto Svendsen, Baltimore, c. 1941. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Green fleas. [Arcadia, Calif.] Raccoon Press, c1964. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Greetings: Gentlemen: take notice ye members of ye olde Roxburghe Clubbe of San Francisco, in California will gather together with their friends at meate on ye evening of ye 22nd in ye months of Februarius, yt being Anno Dominus MCMXXXII .÷ Stanford University Press This item is included in this Collection with permission from James Nance, Roxburghe Club of San Francisco, c/o The Book Club of California, 312 Sutter St., Ste. 510, San Francisco, CA, 94108
- The Grub street Journal. Vol. I No. 1 Baltimore. Maryland. March 10, 1933. An act for the free circulation of paper money. Baltimore. Salt House Press. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- A hillside thaw. New York. The Poets' Guild [ca. 1930]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Peter A. Gilbert, Representative of the Estate of Robert Frost, MS 122 Brandeis University, P.O. Box 549110, Waltham, MA, 02454-9110 Copyright 1923 by Henry Holt Company, copyright 1951 by Robert Frost. Courtesy of The Estate of Robert Frost.
- A historic duel. A letter written by Brigadier General Lachlan McIntosh to Colonel John Laurence, Military secretary to General Washington, three days after the death of Button Gwinnett being a true relation of the duel, of the events that caused it and of its consequences: ... Printed here for the first time from the recently acquired original letter for a few friends and clients by the American Autograph shop. [Merion station, Penna.] Christmas 1937. Copyright 1937, the American Autograph Shop, Ridley Park, PA. Gift from Miss Eleanore Bruno on behalf of AAS, Feb. 9, 1939 The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- The historical love letter ... John Hancock President of Congress to Dorothy Quincy, the second "Dorothy Q" whom he married two months later. Printed here in facsimile for the first time for a few friends by the American Autograph shop [Merion Station, Penna.] Christmas 1938. Copyright 1938, the American Autograph Shop. Gift from Miss Eleanore Bruno, Apr. 10, 1939. 2nd copy, Gift from Miss Eleanore Bruno, 1943. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Hop, skip, and jump. [Berkeley, Calif.] Printed for Oyez by The Auerhahn Press, c1964. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Gary Snyder, Professor of English, University of California, Davis, 024 Voorhies Hall, Davis, California, 95616
- Horace Mann 1796-1859. Thoughts from his writings ... Baltimore, Md. Norman T. A. Munder 1936. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- The house of governors. Plan to partition the United States into fifteen groups, for the purpose of greatly reducing the cost of government and to eliminate the present system of political intrigue and usurpation by Lewis McKenzie Turner. Baltimore, Salt House Press [193-]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- How Modern Is the Museum of Modern Art? New York, American Abstract Artists, April 15, 1940. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Beatrice Reise, President, American Abstract Artists, 470 West End Avenue, New York, NY, 10024,
- Human sterilization today. Human betterment foundation. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Judith R. Goodstein, University Archivist, Caltech, Institute Archives, Caltech, Mail Code 015A-74, Pasadena, CA, 91125
- "If you be my honey sucker" ... Copyright April 22, 1937 by J. Burk Williams. [Seattle, Washington, Thompson printing co. 1939]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- [An illumination designed and drawn by Mr. Sturgis as an example of the work he is prepared to do on order] Boston, Mass. 1938. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Alanson H. Sturgis, Jr., P.O. Box 6697, Portsmouth, NH, 03802-6697
- In 1939 the New York world's fair. Copyright 1937, New York world's fair, 1939 incorporated. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- In this printing office be vigilant, think twice, and say nothing; for what is said and done here will be heard round the world. [n.p.] Hammer Creek Press [1953]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- The inauguration of John Stewart Bryan as nineteenth president of the College of William and Mary in Virginia. Saturday October twentieth one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four. Williamsburg. [Colophon: Richmond, Va. Whittet & Shepperson, printers. 1934]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Stacy B. Gould, Acting University Archivist, Special Collections --- Earl Gregg Swem Library, The College of William & Mary PO Box 8794, Williamsburg, VA, 23187-8794
- Jacket of "Are you a bromide by Gelett Burgess. [The word "blurb" had its origin in the exploitation of this book [194]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Job and the N. R. A. A recovery act that worked 6000 years ago ... Copyright 1934 by L. & W. Service Co. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- John Adams ÷ letter of advice to his cousin Zabdiel ÷ 1763. [Worcester, Mass.] Massachusetts Historical Society, c 1967] This item is included in this Collection with permission from Nicolas Graham, Reference Librarian, Massachusetts Historical Society, 1154 Boylston Street, Boston, MA, 02215
- The John Carter Brown Library. Providence, Rhode Island. Extract from the minutes of the Committee of management, July 19, 1938 [Regarding the retirement of Mr. Joseph McCoid]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Susan Danforth, Asst Librarian & Curator of Maps & Prints, Brown University, Box 1894, Providence, RI, 02912
- July Dawn [a poem], by Louise Bogan. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Ruth Limmer, the Estate of Louise Bogan, 531 Main Street #107, Roosevelt Island, New York, NY, 10044
- The laird of Duck island by Carleton W. Angell. [Taken from the Quarterly Review of the University of Michigan Alumnus, Dec. 10, 1938]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Catherine Serrin, Publications Editor, University of Michigan Alumni Association, 200 Fletcher St, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109-1007
- The laurel tree. [Santa Barbara, Calif.] Unicorn Press, 1967. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Nathaniel Tarn, Contributing Editor, Conjunctions, Bard College Annandale-on-Hudson, NY, 12504
- Leonardo, the desire to know, desidero di Conoscere. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely, copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Lese-Majesty [blank] Baltimore, Maryland Salt House Press. 1935. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- The less you are taught and the more you think the greater you will be. The brain trust ... Lewis McKenzie Turner. Baltimore. Md. Salt House Press. January 1935. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Lesson [translated by] Teo Savory. [Santa Barbara, Calif.] Unicorn Press, 1967. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- [Letter, 12 September 1967. Mr. Roger L. Stevens, Chairman, National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities. [Santa Barbara, Calif.] Unicorn Press, 1967. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Thomas R. Smith, Asst. to Robert Bly, 301 1st Street, Moose Lake, MN, 55767
- Library bill of rights. [Chicago, Printed by the Norman Press, 1962]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Judith Krug, Director of Office of Intellectual Freedom, 50 E. Huron, Chicago, IL, 60611 U.S.A.
- Life at the door. Russia in 1914 ... Lewis McKenzie Turner. Baltimore, Maryland. Salt House Press [1935?]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- A literal translation of the Ephrata Christmas greeting [of 1769]; Math: I. 21. Ephrata, Pa., Restored Press of the Brotherhood of the Cloister, 1965. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Michael Showalter, Museum Educator, Ephrata Cloister, 632 West Main Street, Ephrata, PA, 17522
- Look the children ... Henry C. Samuels. [Seattle, Washington 1939]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- [Lords prayer.] The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- The Louisiana purchase and one of its first explorers, Zebulon Montgomery Pike. Extension of remarks of Hon. Lawrence Lewis of Colorado in the House of representatives, Thursday, March 9, 1939. Address by the late Honorable Alva Adams of Pueblo Colo., before the students and faculty of Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colo. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- The Magees slip quietly away from Post Street. This item is included in this Collection with permission from John Charles, Head, Bruce Peel Special Collections Library, University of Alberta, B-7 Rutherford, S. Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2J8 Canada
- The measure of constitutionality to nullify a statute ... Edward Grandison Smith. Clarksburg, West Virginia. February 22, 1937. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- The million and first book. [1963]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Paul Willis, Director of Libraries, 1-85 William T. Young Library, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 40506-0456
- The millionth book. [Lexington, Ky.] 1963. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Paul Willis, Director of Libraries, 1-85 William T. Young Library, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 40506-0456
- Minnesota historical news. No. 188. August 1937. Distributed to newspapers by the Minnesota Historical society, St. Paul. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Lori Williamson, Acquisitions & Curatorial Department, Minnesota Historical Society, 345 Kellogg Blvd. West, St. Paul, MN, 55102-1906
- [Miscellaneous publications]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Monument on the site of famous debate. Dedication exercises held yesterday on anniversary of Lincoln and Douglas meeting. By Lutz White. In the Aurora Beacon-News. [193-]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Jeff Kuczora, Assoc. Editor, Aurora Beacon-News, 101 S. River Street, Aurora, Illinois, 60506 USA
- Mouse. Boston, Impressions Workshop, 1966. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- My November guest. [New York, The Poets' Guil. ca. 1930]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Peter A. Gilbert, Representative of the Estate of Robert Frost, MS 122 Brandeis University, P.O. Box 549110, Waltham, MA, 02454-9110 Copyright 1913, 1934, 1962, by Robert Frost. Courtesy of The Estate of Robert Frost.
- The Mystery. Baltimore. John S. Mayfield. 1956. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Eric Pumroy, Bryn Mawr Special Collections Department, Floor 2, Mariam Coffin Canaday Library., Bryn Mawr College, 101 North Merion Avenue, Bryn Mawr, PA, 19010-2899
- [Newspaper clippings (cartoons) relating to political campaign for election of candidates for Mayor of Indianapolis. Oct. 22-Nov. 6, 1929.] This item is included in this Collection with permission from Ted Daniels, Indianapolis Star, P.O. Box 145, Indianapolis, IN, 46206-0145
- North of us, south of us. Good neighbors. by Warren H. Atherton. National commander, The American legion. Reprint from the American legion magazine, February 1944. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Ms. Pat Marschand, Editorial Administrator, American Legion Magazine, P.O. Box 1055, Indianapolis, IN, 46206
- On 11 December 1923 F. Scott Fitzgerald and Maxwell Perkins lunched at the Chatham to discuss the collection that became Ring Lardner's first Scribners volume, How to Write Short Stories (1924). Fitzgerald listed possible titles and selections on the back of the menu. The note on "Good for the Soul" is in Perkins' hand. 300 copies printed to mark publication of Ring Lardner: A Descriptive Bibiliography by Matthew J. Bruccoli and Richard Layman (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1976). From the Charles Scribner's Sons Archives in the Princeton University Library. With permission from Frances Fitzgerald Smith, Charles Scribner's Sons, and the Princeton University Library. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Margie Bachman, Rights & Permissions Manager, University of Pittsburgh Press, 3347 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15261
- Our National Library [a poem by] Jennie Moore Bryan. [1928]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- People's intelligence ... citizens of the United States of America: ... very respectfully, William C. W. Schwarz . San Francisco, California. [1937?]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- People's intelligence ... [Signed] William C. W. Schwarz. San Francisco California [1937?]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- [A placard containing two poems in tribute to the Hon. W. T. Whitaker, founder of an Orphan Home in Oklahoma] Minnesota, January, 1954. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Pledge to the nation. "I pledge allegiance to the United States of America and to the flag, constitution and democracy for which they uphold; our nation, inseparable, with freedom, justice and equality ... Forever." Copyright 1941 by Dr. Edward R. Hallgren. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Point Arena light, [by] James Johnson. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- President Monroe visits Chillicothe. Chillicotheana broadsheet no. 8 Chillicothe, Ohio [1942]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Marvin Jones, Editor & Publisher, Chillicothe Gazette, 50 W. Main Street, Chillicothe, OH, 45601
- Print from Pirates Own book, 1837. Albert Frederick, Arthur, George VI looking over his vast empire with Mr. Simpson at sea ... Along the Riviera. a true and thrilling love story. Baltimore. Maryland Salt House Press [1937?]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- A printed broadside dated at Detroit, January 26, 1790. A query for bibliographers and historians, accompanied by facsimile of the broadside by Douglas C. McMurtrie. Detroit: Designed and printed by students of the department of printing Cass technical high school. 1942. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Program of the first national jubilee to be held in Atlantic City, New Jersey June twenty-six, 1936. An anti-political demonstration in the interest of good government. Baltimore, Maryland. Salt House Press. 1935. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Proposed Utopian calendar. Joseph G. Collins. Los Angeles, Calif. 1939. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- [Prospectus for Mr. Franklin and The Papers of Benjamin Franklin.] Chicago, The Lakeside Press, 1956. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Robert G. Nieland, R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company, 77 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL, 60601-1696
- The raccoon's feast. Arcadia, [Calif.], Raccoon Press, c1963. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- The raven. [Facsimile of a manuscript] exhibited for the first time at Yale University Library in honor of the 150th birthday celebration of Edgar Allan Poe. Courtesy of Richard Gimbel. [New Haven? 1949?]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Ellen Cordes, Head, Public Services: Beinecke RB&M Library, P.O. Box 208240, New Haven, CT, 06520-8240
- Recent notices of the Salt House Press. Baltimore Evening Sun, October 31, 1934. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- The recollections of a small boy by Charles E. Fairman. First Baptist Church of Fairfax, Vt. Aug. 29, 1938. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Report to the board of trustees of the Human betterment foundation for the year ending February 8, 1938. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Judith R. Goodstein, University Archivist, Caltech, Institute Archives, Caltech, Mail Code 015A-74, Pasadena, CA, 91125
- "Research barriers in the South" ... L. D. Reddick. Reprinted from the Social Frontier, December 1937, Vol. IV. No. 30. pp. 85, 86. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Resolutions of the trustees and faculty of Cornell University on the death of Professor William Alexander Hammond [1938]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from C. J. Lance-Duboscq, Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, 2B Carl A. Kroch Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 14853
- Robert Graves: the University of San Francisco aims ... April 29, 1962. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Tyrone Cannon, Library Dean, Gleeson Library, Univ. of San Francisco, 2130 Fulton Street, San Francisco, CA, 94117-1049
- The runaway. New York. The Poets' Guild [ca. 1930]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Peter A. Gilbert, Representative of the Estate of Robert Frost, MS 122 Brandeis University, P.O. Box 549110, Waltham, MA, 02454-9110 Copyright 1923 by Henry Holt and Company, copyright 1951 by Robert Frost. Courtesy of The Estate of Robert Frost.
- Salutation of the dawn. Yesterday is already a dream. Tomorrow is only a vision ... from the Sanskrit. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Salute at 87. May 14, 1957. [A tribute to Bruce Rogers on his 87th birthday]. 87 copies printed by Fridolf Johnson at the Mermaid Press. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Sappho, a translation by William Carlos Williams. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Declan Spring, New Directions Publishing Corp., Permissions Department, 80 Eighth Avenue, New York City, New York, 10011 USA Copyright © 1957 by William Carlos Williams. Used by Permission of New Directions Publishing Corporation.
- Shadows of voices, [by] Dennis McCalib. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Signature to petition on Ten pound Island asked of me by Mr. Vincent Ferrini. [Berkeley, Calif.] Printed for Oyez by The Auerhahn Press, San Francisco, c1964. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Rutherford W. Witthus, Coordinator, Technical Services & Automation, Dodd Research Center; University Libraries, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, 06269
- Silver anniversary luncheon of the Commonwealth Club of California, Palace Hotel San Francisco. February third, nineteen twenty-eight. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Suzanne Guyette, Director of Marketing and Public Relations, Commonwealth Club of California, 595 Market Street, San Francisco, CA, 94105
- So lebet die reine Schaar ... Ephrata, Pa., Restored Press of the Brotherhood of the Cloister, 1966. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Michael Showalter, Museum Educator, Ephrata Cloister, 632 West Main Street, Ephrata, PA, 17522
- Song of Consul Hawthorne. [Columbus, Ohio, The Tauser Head Press, 1965]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Sons of Washington ... William Kimberley Palmer. Chicopee, Massachusetts. U. S. A. October 1937. A. D. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- St. Botolph's church Boston, Lincolnshire, England ... Fred W. Fox. Washington, D. C. January, 1939. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Strawberry Hill, Needham, Massachussets. Christmas 1929. This Christmas I ask my friends to accept with my seasonable good wishes the broadside printed on the reverse of this. It is made up from two little-known versions of Psalm LXXXII: the one by John Milton, and the other by Sir Philip Sidney and his sister the Countess of Pembroke ... Richard Walden Hale. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Stylized flowers of Ephrata. A study in Pennsylvania folk art, being a page from the Ephrata ABC Book done in 1750 ... Ephrata, Pa., Restored Press of the Brotherhood of the Cloister, 1966. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Michael Showalter, Museum Educator, Ephrata Cloister, 632 West Main Street, Ephrata, PA, 17522
- Sudden death! By the squire of Krum Elbow ... New York 1936. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Craig McKinney, Hudson Valley Newspapers, P.O. Box 458, Highland, NY, 12528
- Suicide of children, murders by children, one person collected in the first eleven months of 1937 clippings from a limited number of California newspapers reporting suicides of five children fifteen years of age or less, and 42 violent deaths caused by children with guns ÷ Western Press Committee Palo Alto, California 1937. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Bill Frank, The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens, 1151 Oxford Road, San Marino, CA, 91108
- Supper. [New Haven] Yale University Library, 1962. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Ellen Cordes, Head, Public Services: Beinecke RB&M Library, P.O. Box 208240, New Haven, CT, 06520-8240
- The Supreme court, editorial (Reprint) [From] The Monitor, the official organ of the Archdiocese of San Francisco. Vol. LXXIX, No. 48, San Francisco, Calif,. February 27, 1937. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Maurice Healy, Director of Communications, Archdiocese of San Francisco, 445 Church St, San Francisco, CA, 94114
- The Ten commandments. San Francisco, 1928. Printed by Albert Bender This item is included in this Collection with permission from James Nance, Roxburghe Club of San Francisco, c/o The Book Club of California, 312 Sutter St., Ste. 510, San Francisco, CA, 94108
- There are no islands any more. Lines written in passion and in deep concern for England, France and my own country. Edna St. Vincent Millay. Reprinted by kind permission of Edna St. Vincent Millay for the benefit of the British War relief society, Inc. 620 Fifth Ave. New York. [1940]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Elizabeth Barnett, The Edna St. Vincent Millary Society, 8a Chauncy Street #5, Cambridge, MA, 02138
- There was the sound ... Eulogy delivered at the bier of John Fitzgerald Kennedy in rotunda of the Capitol by the Honorable Mike Mansfield, Senator from Montana, November 24, 1963. McKeesport, Pa., Wivagg Printing Company [1963]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Ed Gronlund, Wivagg Printing Company, 324 6th Ave, McKeesport, PA, 15132
- These three. Gabriel Wells, Christmas 1927. Arranged by Frederic Warde: Printed by William Edwin Rudge. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- A third term menace. Dedicated to James Otis, and Patrick Henry- the orators of the American revolution ... William Kimberley Palmer. Chicopee, Massachusetts, U. S. A. February 1928, A. D. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- [Three broadsides by Elwin Volk. Los Angeles, Calif. 1950.] The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Time to redouble .... J. W. Studebaker. (From an address by Dr. J. W. Studebaker, U. S. Commissioner of education, before a convention of the American Farm Bureau Federation in Chicago. [1940]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- To Albert Bender, Saint Patrick's Night, 1934 [n.p., 1934]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Kathy Walkup, Program Head, Book Arts Program, Mills College, 5000 McArthur Blvd., Oakland, CA, 94613
- To the American people: from the National committee on the tenth anniversary of the League of nations. [1929?]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- To the Maid of Orleans by Edna St. Vincent Millay. 1940. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Elizabeth Barnett, The Edna St. Vincent Millary Society, 8a Chauncy Street #5, Cambridge, MA, 02138
- To the national library ÷ Cecil and James Johnson. [San Francisco, The Windsor Press. 1934]. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- To the voters of Oxford, [Oxford, Miss., 1950]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Claire Reinertsen, Rights & Permissions Department, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY, 10110
- The trap-door by the Squire of Krum Elbow ... New York Edmondson Economic service [1936?]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Craig McKinney, Hudson Valley Newspapers, P.O. Box 458, Highland, NY, 12528
- The trees. Cambridge, Mass., Lowell House Printers, 1964. Permission obtained from the Norton book COLLECTED EARLY POEMS: 1950-1970. Reprinted by permission of the author and W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.
- Uncle Sam "Padlocked" How much longer will the American people permit this outrageous and dangerous situation to exist? By Ralph M. Easley Chairman Executive Council, The National Civic Federation. New York City, R. C. A. Tower, August 1, 1931. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Mimi Bolling, Curator of Manuscripts, Manuscripts and Archives Division, Rm. 324, NYPL, 5th Avenue and 42nd Street, New York, NY, 10018-2788
- Uncle Sam as friend to friend! John Harsen Roades, 791 Park Avenue, New York City. Dec. 25, 1927. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- An uncollected sonnet by John Keats. Sonnet to Spenser. Philadelphia. Printed for Seymour Adelman 1945. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Thomas M. Whitehead, Head of Special Collections, Paley Library, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 19122
- Under that arch; a keepsake issued by the Dartmouth College Library on the occasion of the opening of its Robert Frost Room, April 19, 1962. [Hanover, N. H., 1962]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Philip N. Cronenwett, Special Collections Librarian, Rauner Special Collections Library, 6065 Webster Hall, Hanover, NH, 03755
- Unheroic couplets for the poets of New Albion by Wilder Bentley. Berkeley, Calif. 1934. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Wilder Bentley, Jr., P.O. Box 575, Occidental, CA, 95465
- Unicorn folio, series 1, no. 4. [Santa Barbara, Calif.] Unicorn Press, c1967. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- United States of America, true faith pen & color drawing and designed by Roy W. Boyden, Los Angeles, Calif 1939. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- The University of Chicago seventy-fifth anniversary. [Chicago, 1966]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Larry Arbeiter, Director of Communications, Univ. of Chicago, University News Office, 5801 South Ellis Avenue, Room 200, Chicago, IL, 60637-1473 USA
- The voice of the nation. [Declaration of independence printed in shape of the Liberty bell] July 4, 1776. Sesqui-centennial souvenir supplement - The Frankford Dispatch July 2, 1926. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- The Washington ancestry and records of the McClain, Johnson, and forty other colonial American families. Prepared for Edward Lee McClain by Charles Arthur Hoppin ... Greenfield Ohio: Privately printed 1932. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Donna Anstey, Yale University Press, Permissions Manager.
- We real cool / by Gwendolyn Brooks. Detroit, Michigan : Broadside Press, 1966. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Hilda Vest, Publisher/Editor, Broadside Press, 4734 Sturtevant Street, Detroit, MI, 48202-1464
- When court acts by George Rothwell Brown. [n. p. 1937]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Pamela Brunger Scott, Managing Editor, Operations, San Francisco Examiner, P.O. Box 7260, San Francisco, CA, 94120
- Wine. [Berkeley, Calif.] Printed for Oyez by The Auerhahn Press in San Francisco, c1964. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Declan Spring, New Directions Publishing Corp., Permissions Department, 80 Eighth Avenue, New York City, New York, 10011 USA
- The wrack of the Queen Charlotte: a ballad of Chesapeake Bay. Cambridge, The Palimpset Press. 1950. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
- Ye Giglampz: a weekly illustrated journal devoted to art, literature and satire. Vol. I, no. 1. June 21, 1874. Cincinnati. [Cincinnati, 1963]. This item is included in this Collection with permission from Sylvia Metzinger, Rare Book & Special Collections, Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County, 800 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH, 45202-2071
- Youth ... William Kimberley Palmer Chicopee Massachusetts. U. S. A. January 1938 A. D. The Library of Congress is unaware of, or has been unable to identify a copyright owner and/or information about any possible or likely copyright owner, and makes this item available as an exercise of fair use for educational, not-for-profit purposes only. Users must make their own assessment of possible legal rights associated with this work in light of their intended use.
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Chicago citation style:
New Jersey. Laws, Statutes, Etc. A.- No. 15. Revision. State of New Jersey. An act relative to commissioners for taking the acknowledgments and proofs of deeds. ?. 1846. Pdf.
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New Jersey. Laws, S. (1846) A.- No. 15. Revision. State of New Jersey. An act relative to commissioners for taking the acknowledgments and proofs of deeds. ?. [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
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New Jersey. Laws, Statutes, Etc. A.- No. 15. Revision. State of New Jersey. An act relative to commissioners for taking the acknowledgments and proofs of deeds. ?. 1846. Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.