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Film, Video Master hands

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About this Item


  • Master hands


  • Manufacturing of Chevrolets from foundry to finished product as a paean to the designers of the factory mass production system. Filmed in Flint, Michigan months before the United Auto Workers won union recognition with their famous sit down strikes.


  • Avil, Gordon, cinematographer
  • Benavie, Samuel J., composer
  • Herman, Vincent, 1900-1979, editor of moving image work
  • General Motors Corporation. Chevrolet Motor Co., presenter, copyright claimant
  • Jam Handy Organization, production company

Created / Published

  • [1936]


  • -  Chevrolet automobile--Design and construction
  • -  Assembly-line methods--United States
  • -  Automobile industry workers--Michigan--Flint


  • Industrial films
  • Promotional films
  • Short films
  • Nonfiction films


  • -  MU6488 U.S. Copyright Office
  • -  Copyright: Chevrolet Motor Company; 27May36; 18May36; MU6488.
  • -  Music performed by the Detroit Philharmonic Orchestra.
  • -  Photography, Gordon Avil ; orchestral score, Samuel Benavie ; film editing, Vincent Herman.
  • -  According to Daniel Eagan in America's film legacy, this film may have been made for a shareholder's meeting, and was used as a training film. Though some sources indicate it may have been shown theatrically, no distribution information could be found.
  • -  Filmed in Flint, Michigan, in 1935 and 1936.
  • -  This film was selected for the National Film Registry.
  • -  Sources used: Copyright catalog, motion pictures, 1912-1939, p. 527, viewed July 7, 2022 via the Internet Archive; Internet movie database WWW site, viewed July 7, 2022; Moving image archive news weblog posted December 12, 2017, viewed July 8, 2022; Eagan. D., America's film legacy, p. 256.


  • 1 video file (digital) (approximately 32 min.) : sd., b&w.

Source Collection

  • Prelinger Collection (Library of Congress)

Digital Id

Library of Congress Control Number

  • 2022600183

Online Format

  • image
  • video

Additional Metadata Formats

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The Library of Congress is not aware of any U.S. copyright or other restrictions in the vast majority of motion pictures in these collections. Absent any such restrictions, these materials are free to use and reuse.

In rare cases, copyrighted motion pictures are made available by special permission to the Library and may be used only for educational purposes. For example, the Gershwin home movies fall within this category. Rights assessment is your responsibility. No registration information exists for some titles, and reproduction of some titles may be restricted by privacy rights, publicity rights, licensing and trademarks. Additionally, some works may still be protected by copyright in the United States or some foreign countries. The written permission of the copyright owners in materials not in the public domain is required for distribution, reproduction, or other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemptions.

Whenever possible, we provide information that we have about copyright owners and related matters in the catalog records, finding aids and other texts that accompany collections. You should consult the catalog information that accompanies each item for specific information. This catalog data provides the details known to the Library of Congress regarding the corresponding item and may assist you in making independent assessments of the legal status of these items for their desired uses. You should also consult restrictions associated with donations to the Library.

Credit Line: Library of Congress, Motion Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division.

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Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Avil, Gordon, Cinematographer, and Presenter General Motors Corporation. Chevrolet Motor Co. Master Hands. editeds by Herman, Vincent, Of Moving Image Work, , composeds by Benavie, Samuel J, , produceds by Jam Handy Organizationuction Company [1936] Video.

APA citation style:

Avil, G. & General Motors Corporation. Chevrolet Motor Co, P., Herman, V., ed. (1936) Master Hands. Benavie, S. J., comp, , Jam Handy Organizationuction Company, prod [Video] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Avil, Gordon, Cinematographer, and Presenter General Motors Corporation. Chevrolet Motor Co. Master Hands. ed by Herman, Vincent, Of Moving Image Work, , comp by Benavie, Samuel J, , prod by Jam Handy Organizationuction Company [1936] Video. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.