Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as
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Chicago citation style:
United States Congress. Senate. Committee On Commerce, Science, And Transportation. Subcommittee On Surface Transportation And Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety, And Security. Piracy on the high seas: protecting our ships, crews, and passengers: hearing before theSubcommittee on Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety, and Security of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, first session, May 5. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office: . For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, 2010. Pdf.
APA citation style:
United States Congress. Senate. Committee On Commerce, S. (2010) Piracy on the high seas: protecting our ships, crews, and passengers: hearing before theSubcommittee on Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety, and Security of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, first session, May 5. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office: . For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office. [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
United States Congress. Senate. Committee On Commerce, Science, And Transportation. Subcommittee On Surface Transportation And Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety, And Security. Piracy on the high seas: protecting our ships, crews, and passengers: hearing before theSubcommittee on Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety, and Security of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, first session, May 5. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office: . For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, 2010. Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.