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3D Object Piccolo in D-flat(?), DCM 0221

About this Item


  • Piccolo in D-flat(?), DCM 0221


  • I. Ziegler

Created / Published

  • Vienna, 1821.


  • -  Flute--Specimens


  • flutes


  • -  Instrument type: Piccolo in D-flat(?)
  • -  Materials: Ebony(?), silver keys, ferrules and pin bushings, metal-lined head joint, key block, and cork-setting mechanism.
  • -  2 sections.
  • -  Key Holes System: 6 keys, shallow saltspoon, pin in metal-lined block.
  • -  Mark Maximum: (Hapsburg eagle) / I:ZIEGLER / WIEN / [?]
  • -  Mark Additional: Mark on body joint. Mark on barrel: (Hapsburg eagle) / I:ZIEGLER / WIEN. Some marks are illegible.
  • -  Condition: Head joint, both sections, cracked; G# key block cracked on one side, short F key block cracked off and missing on one side.
  • -  Provenance: G. Meriggioli, Milan, 1 Feb. 1922.
  • -  Location: G10. Shares box with 222.
  • -  Record created through migration from the Performing Arts Encyclopedia Database.


  • 1 musical instrument ; 29.8 cm

Call Number/Physical Location

  • ML30.4a

Source Collection

  • Holding of: Dayton C. Miller flute collection, 1880-2000 (bulk 1905-1941) DCM 0221


  • c-Music ML30.4a Dayton C. Miller flute collection, DCM 0221 (G10)

Library of Congress Control Number

  • 2023865547

Online Format

  • image

Additional Metadata Formats

IIIF Presentation Manifest

Rights & Access

The Library of Congress is not aware of any U.S. copyright protection (see Title 17 U.S.C.) or any other restrictions in the Dayton C. Miller Collection except for the items noted below. The Library of Congress is providing access to these materials for educational and research purposes. Patrons should keep in mind that the written permission of the copyright owners and/or other rights holders (such as holders of publicity and/or privacy rights) is required for distribution, reproduction, or other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemptions.

Responsibility for making an independent legal assessment of an item and securing any necessary permissions ultimately rests with persons desiring to use the item. Users should consult the bibliographic information that accompanies each item for specific information.

Copyright Protected Items

Four full-size drawings of flutes DCM 0507, DCM 0615, DCM 0916, and DCM 1125 by Jean-François Beaudin, Québec, Canada. 2003. Please make written requests for permission for other uses to:

Jean-François Beaudin
312 Chemin Richford
Frelighsburg (Québec) Canada, J0J1C0
Tel.: 450-298-5161
Fax: 450-298-8251

The quotation regarding Dr. Miller and his gold flute comes from an article by Robert S. Shankland, "Dayton Clarence Miller: Physics Across Fifty Years." American Journal of Physics 9(October 1941):273-283. LC call number: QC1.A47. It was reprinted here with permission from the American Journal of Physics 9(October 1941):278. Copyright 1941, American Association of Physics Teachers. Should you wish to quote from this article, please contact:

Susann Brailey, Office of Rights and Permissions
American Institute of Physics
Suite 1N01
2 Huntington Quadrangle
Melville, NY 11747-4502
Phone: 516-576-2268
Fax: 516-576-2450

The image of the Faun playing an aulos by Rea Irvin, Miller no. 57/G, comes from the cover of The New Yorker magazine, 14 March 1925. It is reproduced here without The New Yorker masthead as required by Condé Nast Publications, New York. Permission to reproduce the Faun only as a thumbnail-size image, and without the masthead, is Courtesy of the Irvin Estate. No reproduction without permission. For reproduction permission, please contact:

The Irvin Estate
c/o Molly Rea
5 Willis Lane
Fairfax, California 94930

Credit line: Dayton C. Miller Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress

"Dayton C. Miller, His Life, Work and Contributions as a Scientist and Organologist" is made available here with permission from the author, William J. Maynard. HTML version of this text

More about American Memory, Copyright and other Restrictions

Credit line: Dayton C. Miller Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress

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Chicago citation style:

I. Ziegler. Piccolo in D-flat?, DCM. Vienna, 1821. Image.

APA citation style:

I. Ziegler. (1821) Piccolo in D-flat?, DCM. Vienna. [Image] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

I. Ziegler. Piccolo in D-flat?, DCM. Vienna, 1821. Image. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.