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Book/Printed Material Testimonies of the life, character, revelations, and doctrines of Mother Ann Lee, and the elders with her : through whom the word of eternal life was opened in this day of Christ's second appearing Precepts of Mother Ann Lee and the elders / Secret book of the elders

About this Item


  • Testimonies of the life, character, revelations, and doctrines of Mother Ann Lee, and the elders with her : through whom the word of eternal life was opened in this day of Christ's second appearing

Other Title

  • Precepts of Mother Ann Lee and the elders
  • Secret book of the elders


  • Bishop, Rufus.
  • Wells, Seth Y. (Seth Youngs)
  • Avery, Giles B. (Giles Bushnell), 1815-1890.
  • MacLean, J. P. (John Patterson), 1848-1939, former owner.
  • Shaker Collection (Library of Congress)

Created / Published

  • Albany, N.Y. : Weed, Parsons & Co., printers, 1888.


  • -  Lee, Ann,--1736-1784
  • -  Lee, William,--1740-1784
  • -  Whittaker, James,--1751-1787
  • -  Shakers--Biography
  • -  Shakers--Doctrines
  • -  Shaker women--Biography


  • -  "[Collected] by Rufus Bishop, in 1812, and revised by Seth Y. Wells ... sometimes called 'The secret book of the elders'"--Cf. MacLean.
  • -  "Revised by Giles B. Avery"--Cf. McKinstry.
  • -  First edition: Hancock, Mass. 1816.
  • -  MacLean, J.P. Shaker lit., 100
  • -  McKinstry, E.R. Andrews Shaker Coll., 54
  • -  Copy 2 transferred to Rare vj23 08-24-00.


  • ix, 302 p. ; 21 cm.

Call Number/Physical Location

  • BX9793.L4 A4 1888
  • BX9793.L4 A4 1888 Copy 2. Purchased from J.P. MacLean in 1906.

Library of Congress Control Number

  • 22013795

Online Format

  • online text
  • image
  • pdf

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Credit Line: Library of Congress

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Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Bishop, Rufus, Seth Y Wells, Giles B Avery, J. P Maclean, and Shaker Collection. Testimonies of the life, character, revelations, and doctrines of Mother Ann Lee, and the elders with her: through whom the word of eternal life was opened in this day of Christ's second appearing. Albany, N.Y.: Weed, Parsons & Co., printers, 1888. Pdf.

APA citation style:

Bishop, R., Wells, S. Y., Avery, G. B., Maclean, J. P. & Shaker Collection. (1888) Testimonies of the life, character, revelations, and doctrines of Mother Ann Lee, and the elders with her: through whom the word of eternal life was opened in this day of Christ's second appearing. Albany, N.Y.: Weed, Parsons & Co., printers. [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Bishop, Rufus, et al. Testimonies of the life, character, revelations, and doctrines of Mother Ann Lee, and the elders with her: through whom the word of eternal life was opened in this day of Christ's second appearing. Albany, N.Y.: Weed, Parsons & Co., printers, 1888. Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.