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Book/Printed Material Champ Flevry. Au quel est contenu Lart & Science de la deue & vraye Proportio[n] des Lettres Attiques, quo[n] dit autrement Lettres Antiques, & vulgairement Lettres Romaines proportionnees selon le Corps & Visage humain

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About this Item


  • Champ Flevry. Au quel est contenu Lart & Science de la deue & vraye Proportio[n] des Lettres Attiques, quo[n] dit autrement Lettres Antiques, & vulgairement Lettres Romaines proportionnees selon le Corps & Visage humain


  • This beautifully illustrated treatise, subtitled The Art and Science of the Proportion of the Attic or Ancient Roman Letters, According to the Human Body and Face is the most famous example of the Renaissance pursuit of an ideal proportion between humanity and the letters in which its achievements were recorded. Perspective, the Golden Section, classical mythology, all were called in aid by its author, Geofroy Tory, to show how letters should be made. He used a square grid that foreshadows the pixels of modern digital letterforms, a grid on which the perfect shape of a human face or body could also be set out. The ancient origins of the letters now came to fruition in a newly classical French language. Tory was the prototypical Renaissance man, at once a scholar, editor, scribe, illuminator, and bookseller, and Champ fleury reflected his everyday experiences. His idea of letters, for instance, included language and literature as well as the construction of letterforms and their visual presentation.


  • Tory, Geoffroy, approximately 1480-approximately 1533
  • Tory, Geoffroy, approximately 1480-approximately 1533, printer
  • Gourmont, Gilles de, printer
  • Beaufoy, Henry B. H., active 1861-1862, former owner
  • Thiboust, Jacques, former owner
  • Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress)
  • Pforzheimer Bruce Rogers Collection (Library of Congress)

Created / Published

  • ... A vendre a Paris sus Petit Pont, a Lenseigne du Pot Casse par Maistre Geofroy Tory di Bourges Libraire, & autheur du dict Liure, et par Giles Gourmont aussi Libraire demourant en la Rue sainct Iaques a Lonseigne des Trois Coronnes [1529]


  • -  Alphabets
  • -  French language--Pronunciation
  • -  French language--Provincialisms
  • -  France--Paris


  • -  Colophon: Cy finist ce present Liure, auec Laddition de Treze diuerses faco[n]s de Lettres, Et la maniere de faire Chifres pour Bagues dor, ou autrement. Qui fut acheue dimprimer Le mercredy. xxviij. Iour du Mois Dapuril. Lan Mil Cincq Cens. XXIX. Pour Maistre Geofroy Tory de Bourges, Autheur dudict Liure [etc.] ...
  • -  Title within ornamental borders; initials. Two forms of Tory's mark, "le pot cassé," on t.-p. and last leaf, respectively.
  • -  An edition was published in 1549 under title: L'art & science de la vraye proportion.
  • -  Library of Congress. Lessing J. Rosenwald collection, 994
  • -  LC copy in contemporary German blind-tooled brown calf, restored.
  • -  Book-plate of Henry H. B. Beaufoy, F. R. S.
  • -  LC copy has ink ownership inscription at top of inside cover: Ex bibliotheca Lud. Martelli Rotomagensis; below it in different ink: 1577; in ink on t.p.: Monasterii Gēmeticensis cong. S. Mauri.
  • -  From old shelflist card: copy 1 "deaccessioned for exchange with Bookpress. BDU 6/1/87"; copy 2 "deaccessioned for exchange per W. Matheson 7/15/86".
  • -  LAC tnb 2019-09-30 update (3 cards)
  • -  LAC ael 2021-05-06 update (2 cards)


  • 8 p. l., lxxx numb. leaves. illus. 25 cm.

Call Number/Physical Location

  • NK3615 .T6 1529
  • NK3615 .T6 1529 Copy 2 Ex libris of Jacques Thiboust stamped on verso of title page.
  • NK3615 .T6 1529 Copy 3 Contempory German blind-tooled brown calf, restored. Inscription on t. p. : Monasterii Gēmeticense cong. S. Mauri. Rosenwald Coll. #994.
  • NK3615 .T6 1529 Copy 4. Signed by former owner Bruce Rogers on verso of front endleaf.

Digital Id

Library of Congress Control Number

  • 22014106

OCLC Number

  • 15484232

Online Format

  • online text
  • pdf
  • image

Additional Metadata Formats

IIIF Presentation Manifest

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Cite This Item

Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Tory, Geoffroy, Approximately Approximately 1533, Geoffroy Tory, Gilles De Gourmont, Henry B. H Beaufoy, Jacques Thiboust, Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection, and Pforzheimer Bruce Rogers Collection. Champ Flevry. Au quel est contenu Lart & Science de la deue & vraye Proportion des Lettres Attiques, quon dit autrement Lettres Antiques, & vulgairement Lettres Romaines proportionnees selon le Corps & Visage humain. [... A vendre a Paris sus Petit Pont, a Lenseigne du Pot Casse par Maistre Geofroy Tory di Bourges Libraire, & autheur du dict Liure, et par Giles Gourmont aussi Libraire demourant en la Rue sainct Iaques a Lonseigne des Trois Coronnes, 1529] Pdf.

APA citation style:

Tory, G., Tory, G., Gourmont, G. D., Beaufoy, H. B. H., Thiboust, J., Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection & Pforzheimer Bruce Rogers Collection. (1529) Champ Flevry. Au quel est contenu Lart & Science de la deue & vraye Proportion des Lettres Attiques, quon dit autrement Lettres Antiques, & vulgairement Lettres Romaines proportionnees selon le Corps & Visage humain. [... A vendre a Paris sus Petit Pont, a Lenseigne du Pot Casse par Maistre Geofroy Tory di Bourges Libraire, & autheur du dict Liure, et par Giles Gourmont aussi Libraire demourant en la Rue sainct Iaques a Lonseigne des Trois Coronnes] [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Tory, Geoffroy, Approximately Approximately 1533, et al. Champ Flevry. Au quel est contenu Lart & Science de la deue & vraye Proportion des Lettres Attiques, quon dit autrement Lettres Antiques, & vulgairement Lettres Romaines proportionnees selon le Corps & Visage humain. [... A vendre a Paris sus Petit Pont, a Lenseigne du Pot Casse par Maistre Geofroy Tory di Bourges Libraire, & autheur du dict Liure, et par Giles Gourmont aussi Libraire demourant en la Rue sainct Iaques a Lonseigne des Trois Coronnes, 1529] Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.