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Book/Printed Material Intimate letters of Carl Schurz, 1841-1869.

About this Item


  • Intimate letters of Carl Schurz, 1841-1869.


  • This is a collection of personal letters written by the eminent German-American statesman, Carl Schurz (1829-1906), to his immediate family and close friends. Schurz maintained a legal residence in Watertown, Wisconsin from 1855 to 1866, even though lecture tours and campaign speeches took him all across the northern United States. Several of these letters deal with Schurz's Wisconsin years, and most are published here for the first time in English. They are filled with descriptive insights about German immigrants and native-born Americans as well as about the newly developing urban centers of the Upper Midwest. Schurz was a political revolutionary during his university years in his native Germany. When he emigrated to the United States, he became an outstanding spokesman for the anti-slavery cause and the Republican party. One of his missions was to mobilize German-American communities against slavery, but his rhetorical skills in English as well as German soon won him a broader following. Later, Schurz became an ardent champion of civil service reform. His other contributions to American life ranged from farming and practicing law to serving as Ambassador to Spain (1861-62), Civil War general (1862-63), Senator from Missouri (1869-75), organizer of the Liberal Republican Party (1872), and Secretary of the Interior (1877-81), where he made the conservation of natural resources an object of policy for the first time. Schurz was also considered one of the leading journalists of his day, editing the New York Evening Post (1881- 83) and writing for Harper's Weekly (1892-1901). His biographies of Henry Clay and Abraham Lincoln are still read today.


  • Schurz, Carl, 1829-1906.
  • Schafer, Joseph, 1867-1941, ed.

Created / Published

  • Madison, Published by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1928.


  • -  Schurz, Carl,--1829-1906--Correspondence


  • -  Item 00068406389 received in CCS 2009-05-20


  • xx p., 2 l., 491 p. front., pl., ports. 23 cm.

Call Number/Physical Location

  • F576 .W81 vol. 30
  • E664.S39 A43
  • E664.S39 S26

Digital Id

Library of Congress Control Number

  • 29009286

Online Format

  • image
  • pdf

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The Library of Congress is not aware of any U.S. copyright protection (see Title 17, U.S.C.) or any other restrictions in the materials in the Pioneering the Upper Midwest: Books from Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, ca. 1820-1910 materials. The Library of Congress is providing access to these materials for educational and research purposes. The written permission of the copyright owners and/or other rights holders (such as publicity and/or privacy rights) is required for distribution, reproduction, or other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemptions. Responsibility for making an independent legal assessment of an item and securing any necessary permissions ultimately rests with persons desiring to use the item.

Credit Line: Library of Congress, General Collections and Rare Book and Special Collections Division.

Further copyright information is also available at American Memory and Copyright.

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Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Schurz, Carl. Intimate letters of Carl Schurz, -1869. editeds by Schafer, Joseph Madison, Published by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1928. Pdf.

APA citation style:

Schurz, C., Schafer, J., ed. (1928) Intimate letters of Carl Schurz, -1869. Madison, Published by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Schurz, Carl. Intimate letters of Carl Schurz, -1869. ed by Schafer, Joseph Madison, Published by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1928. Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.