Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as
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Chicago citation style:
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, William Caxton, Da Montemagno Buonaccorso, and Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection. Here begynneth the prohemye vpon the reducynge, both out of latyn as of frensshe in to our englyssh tongue of the polytyque book named Tullius de senectute. translateds by Worcester, John Tiptoft, Earl Of, Attributed Name, and Worcester, William, ?, Attributed Name [Westminster, London, England: ... Enprynted by me symple persone William Caxton ..., ... the xij day of August the yere of our lord MCCCClxxxj 12 Aug, 1481] Pdf.
APA citation style:
Cicero, M. T., Caxton, W., Buonaccorso, D. M. & Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection. (1481) Here begynneth the prohemye vpon the reducynge, both out of latyn as of frensshe in to our englyssh tongue of the polytyque book named Tullius de senectute. Worcester, J. T. & Worcester, W., transs [Westminster, London, England: ... Enprynted by me symple persone William Caxton ..., ... the xij day of August the yere of our lord MCCCClxxxj 12 Aug] [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, et al. Here begynneth the prohemye vpon the reducynge, both out of latyn as of frensshe in to our englyssh tongue of the polytyque book named Tullius de senectute. trans by Worcester, John Tiptoft, Earl Of, Attributed Name, and Worcester, William, ?, Attributed Name [Westminster, London, England: ... Enprynted by me symple persone William Caxton ..., ... the xij day of August the yere of our lord MCCCClxxxj 12 Aug, 1481] Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.