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Book/Printed Material Biblia Latina. Gutenberg Bible

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About this Item


  • Biblia Latina.

Other Title

  • Gutenberg Bible

Created / Published

  • [Mainz, Printer of the 42-line Bible (Johann Gutenberg) between 1454 and 1455?, not after 1456]


  • [1] Liber Genesis-Liber IV Esdrae.--[2] Liber Tobiae-Prophetia Ezechielis.--[3] Prophetia Danielis-Apocalypsis Beati Ioannis Apostoli.


  • -  Germany--Rhineland-Palatinate--Mainz


  • Incunabula


  • -  Goff B-526
  • -  Hain 3031
  • -  GW 4201
  • -  Schwenke, P. Johannes Gutenbergs 42-zeilige Bibel, no. 12 (p. 10) and p. 23, 25, 41, 48
  • -  LC copy on vellum. Leaf [192a] presents numerous variants from the facsim. ed. of the Berlin copy (Leipzig, Insel-Verlag, 1913-14). Leaves [11]-[32a], [139]-[158] and [486a] are of the second printing. Chapter headings on leaves [1a], [4a], [5a], [12a] and [129b] printed in red; other chapter headings and chapter numbering supplied by hand in red; initial-strokes supplied in red on leaves [1]-[130] and on a few other scattered leaves; headlines in alternating red and blue; initials in red or blue, some of the larger ones in red and blue, a few with ornaments extending to the margin. Signatures in ms., generally cut off, catchword on leaf [125b]. Bound in 3 v.: 16th cent. blind stamped white pigskin; one of the rolls used dated 1560. Formerly in the Benedictine Abbey of St. Blasius in the Black Forest (with its bookplate in each vol.), after 1809 in the Benedictine Abbey of St. Paul in Carinthia; acquired by LC through Otto H.F. Vollbehr in 1930.
  • -  Formerly classified: Incun 1454 .B5.


  • [643] leaves ([642], wanting, and [643] blank) 42.5 cm.

Call Number/Physical Location

  • BS75 1454

Digital Id

Library of Congress Control Number

  • 52002339

Online Format

  • image

Additional Metadata Formats

IIIF Presentation Manifest

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Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Biblia Latina. [Mainz, printer of the 42-line bible johann gutenberg between 1454 and 1455?, not after 1456, 1454] Image.

APA citation style:

(1454) Biblia Latina. [Mainz, printer of the 42-line bible johann gutenberg between 1454 and 1455?, not after 1456] [Image] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Biblia Latina. [Mainz, printer of the 42-line bible johann gutenberg between 1454 and 1455?, not after 1456, 1454] Image. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.