Book/Printed Material Dat lide[n] en[n] die passie ons here[n] Ihesu Cristi en[n] die teikene[n] en[n] miracule[n] di Hi dede na dien dat Hi ghecruyst was, also als die vier Euangeliste[n] bescreuen hebben. Liden enn die passie ons heren Ihesu Cristi / Sterf boeck / Sterfboeck
About this Item
- Dat lide[n] en[n] die passie ons here[n] Ihesu Cristi en[n] die teikene[n] en[n] miracule[n] di Hi dede na dien dat Hi ghecruyst was, also als die vier Euangeliste[n] bescreuen hebben.
Other Title
- Liden enn die passie ons heren Ihesu Cristi
- Sterf boeck
- Sterfboeck
- Meer, Jacob Jacobszoon van der, active 1477-1488, printer, attributed name.
- Snellaert, Christiaen, -1497?, printer, attributed name.
- Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress)
Created / Published
- Delft [Jacob Jacobszoen van der Meer or Christian Snellaert] 2 June (op de Pinxter auo[n]t) 1487.
- - Jesus Christ--Passion--Early works to 1800
- - Netherlands--Delft
- Incunabula--Netherlands--Delft--1487
- - Title extracted from incipit (leaf [2a]).
- - "Appears to be a combination of two editions, of which one was hitherto unrecorded"--Goff.
- - Library of Congress. Lessing J. Rosenwald collection, 494
- - Goff, F.R. Incunabula in American libraries, L-214
- - Kronenberg, M.E. Campbell's Annales de la typographie néerlandaise au XV. siècle, 1160a
- - Kronenberg, M.E. Nederlandsche bibliographie van 1500 tot 1540 (aanvulling), 1160b
- - LC copy rubricated, initials in red, woodcuts hand-colored.
- - With: Cordiale quattuor novissimorum. Dutch. Die vier vuterste. Delft, 26 June 1488.--Ars moriendi. Dutch. Dat sterf boeck. Delft, 1488. Bound together subsequent to publication.
- [88] leaves (the first and last blank, wanting). woodcuts: illus. 19.5 cm. (4to)
Call Number/Physical Location
- Incun. 1487 .P35
Digital Id
Library of Congress Control Number
- 65058865
Online Format
- image
LCCN Permalink
Additional Metadata Formats
- MARCXML Record
- MODS Record
- Dublin Core Record
- MARCXML Record
- MODS Record
- Dublin Core Record
- MARCXML Record
- MODS Record
- Dublin Core Record
IIIF Presentation Manifest
Part of
- Ebendorfer, Thomas
- Gerardus
- Groote, Gerard
- Heinrich
- Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress)
- Meer, Jacob Jacobszoon Van Der
- Snellaert, Christiaen