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Chicago citation style:
Faden, William. A Plan of the entrance of Chesapeak Bay, with James and York rivers; wherein are shewn the respective positions in the beginning of October 1.⁰ of the British Army commanded by Lord Cornwallis at Gloucester and York in Virginia; 2.⁰ of the American and French forces under General Washington; 3.⁰ and of the French Fleet under Count de Grasse. London, Wm. Faden, 1781. Map.
APA citation style:
Faden, W. (1781) A Plan of the entrance of Chesapeak Bay, with James and York rivers; wherein are shewn the respective positions in the beginning of October 1.⁰ of the British Army commanded by Lord Cornwallis at Gloucester and York in Virginia; 2.⁰ of the American and French forces under General Washington; 3.⁰ and of the French Fleet under Count de Grasse. London, Wm. Faden. [Map] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Faden, William. A Plan of the entrance of Chesapeak Bay, with James and York rivers; wherein are shewn the respective positions in the beginning of October 1.⁰ of the British Army commanded by Lord Cornwallis at Gloucester and York in Virginia; 2.⁰ of the American and French forces under General Washington; 3.⁰ and of the French Fleet under Count de Grasse. London, Wm. Faden, 1781. Map. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.