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Book/Printed Material Biblīa, siri︠e︡chʹ, Knigy Vetkhago i Novago Zavi︠e︡ta po i︠a︡zȳkū slovenskū Библіа, сирѣчь, Книгы Ветхаго и Новаго Завѣта по язы̄кꙋ словенскꙋ : ѿ еврейска въ еллинньский язы̄къ седми десѧтъ и двѣма богомꙋдрыми преводники, преже воплощениаѧ Г-а Б-а и С-пса нашего И-с Х-а, 350 лѣта, на желаемое повелѣние Птоломеѧ Филадельфа ц-ра егыпетска / / Also known as: Ostroh Bible / Also known as: Ostrih Bible / Also known as: Ostrog Bible

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About this Item


  • Biblīa, siri︠e︡chʹ, Knigy Vetkhago i Novago Zavi︠e︡ta po i︠a︡zȳkū slovenskū : ō︠t︡ʺ evreĭska vʺ ellinnʹskiĭ i︠a︡zȳkʺ sedmi desętʺ i dvi︠e︡ma bogomūdrymi prevodniki, prezhe voploshcheniaę G-a B-a i S-psa nashego I-s KH-a, 350 li︠e︡ta, na zhelaemoe poveli︠e︡nie Ptolomeę Filadelʹfa t︠s︡-ra egypetska

Other Title

  • Библіа, сирѣчь, Книгы Ветхаго и Новаго Завѣта по язы̄кꙋ словенскꙋ : ѿ еврейска въ еллинньский язы̄къ седми десѧтъ и двѣма богомꙋдрыми преводники, преже воплощениаѧ Г-а Б-а и С-пса нашего И-с Х-а, 350 лѣта, на желаемое повелѣние Птоломеѧ Филадельфа ц-ра егыпетска /
  • Also known as: Ostroh Bible
  • Also known as: Ostrih Bible
  • Also known as: Ostrog Bible


  • Ostrozʹkyĭ, Kosti︠a︡ntyn, kni︠a︡zʹ, 1526-1608, sponsor
  • Fedorov, Ivan, approximately 1510-1583, printer
  • Bible Collection (Library of Congress)

Created / Published

  • [Vʺ Ostrozi︠e︡ : Poveli︠e︡nīem knzę Vasilīę Konstantinovicha Ostrozʺkago, napechatana Ivanomʺ Ḟeodorovymʺ], 1581.


  • -  Ukraine--Ostroh


  • -  The first complete Slavic Bible, it was commissioned by Prince Konstantyn Ostroz'kyi (1526-1608) and printed by Ivan Fedorovych (Fedorov) (1525-1583) in the town of Ostroh (Ukraine), known also as Ostrih or Ostrog.
  • -  LC copy received in 1958 on exchange from the Lenin State Library in Moscow.


  • [8], 276, 180, 30, 56, 78 leaves ; 31 cm.

Call Number/Physical Location

  • BS110 .O8 1581

Digital Id

Library of Congress Control Number

  • 77203306

Online Format

  • pdf
  • image

Additional Metadata Formats

IIIF Presentation Manifest

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Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

OstrozʹKyĭ, Kosti︠A︡Ntyn, Kni︠A︡Zʹ, Sponsor, Ivan Fedorov, and Bible Collection. Biblīa, siri︠e︡chʹ, Knigy Vetkhago i Novago Zavi︠e︡ta po i︠a︡zȳkū slovenskū: ō︠t︡ʺ evreĭska vʺ ellinnʹskiĭ i︠a︡zȳkʺ sedmi desętʺ i dvi︠e︡ma bogomūdrymi prevodniki, prezhe voploshcheniaę G-a B-a i S-psa nashego I-s KH-a, 350 li︠e︡ta, na zhelaemoe poveli︠e︡nie Ptolomeę Filadelʹfa t︠s︡-ra egypetska. [Vʺ Ostrozi︠e︡: Poveli︠e︡nīem knzę Vasilīę Konstantinovicha Ostrozʺkago, napechatana Ivanomʺ Ḟeodorovymʺ, 1581] Pdf.

APA citation style:

OstrozʹKyĭ, K., Fedorov, I. & Bible Collection. (1581) Biblīa, siri︠e︡chʹ, Knigy Vetkhago i Novago Zavi︠e︡ta po i︠a︡zȳkū slovenskū: ō︠t︡ʺ evreĭska vʺ ellinnʹskiĭ i︠a︡zȳkʺ sedmi desętʺ i dvi︠e︡ma bogomūdrymi prevodniki, prezhe voploshcheniaę G-a B-a i S-psa nashego I-s KH-a, 350 li︠e︡ta, na zhelaemoe poveli︠e︡nie Ptolomeę Filadelʹfa t︠s︡-ra egypetska. [Vʺ Ostrozi︠e︡: Poveli︠e︡nīem knzę Vasilīę Konstantinovicha Ostrozʺkago, napechatana Ivanomʺ Ḟeodorovymʺ] [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

OstrozʹKyĭ, Kosti︠A︡Ntyn, Kni︠A︡Zʹ, Sponsor, Ivan Fedorov, and Bible Collection. Biblīa, siri︠e︡chʹ, Knigy Vetkhago i Novago Zavi︠e︡ta po i︠a︡zȳkū slovenskū: ō︠t︡ʺ evreĭska vʺ ellinnʹskiĭ i︠a︡zȳkʺ sedmi desętʺ i dvi︠e︡ma bogomūdrymi prevodniki, prezhe voploshcheniaę G-a B-a i S-psa nashego I-s KH-a, 350 li︠e︡ta, na zhelaemoe poveli︠e︡nie Ptolomeę Filadelʹfa t︠s︡-ra egypetska. [Vʺ Ostrozi︠e︡: Poveli︠e︡nīem knzę Vasilīę Konstantinovicha Ostrozʺkago, napechatana Ivanomʺ Ḟeodorovymʺ, 1581] Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.