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Film, Video Caldonia

Digital viewing copy

About this Item


  • Caldonia


  • Louis Jordan loses a Hollywood contract and his girlfriend, Caldonia, when Felix Paradise lures him to New York, promising filmmaking facilities beyond his economic means. Songs performed: Caldonia, Honey chile, Tillie, Buzz me.


  • Crouch, William Forest, 1904-1968, film director, film producer
  • Adams, Berle, film producer
  • Malkames, Don, cinematographer
  • Jordan, Louis, 1908-1975, performer
  • Tympany Five, performer
  • Astor Pictures, film distributor
  • Valburn/Ellington Collection (Library of Congress)

Created / Published

  • United States : Astor Pictures Corporation, 1945.


  • -  Jordan, Louis,--1908-1975--Drama
  • -  African American jazz musicians--Drama
  • -  Jazz--1941-1950
  • -  New York (N.Y.)--Drama


  • Race films
  • Musical films
  • Comedy films
  • Short films
  • Fiction films


  • -  Copyright notice on film: Adams Productions, Inc. ; 1945.
  • -  Additional dialogue, Mickey Goldsen, William Forest Crouch ; production supervisor, John T. Doran ; cinematographer, Don Malkames ; settings, Sam Corso ; film editor, Leonard Weiss ; musical compositions, Fleecie Moore, Danny Baxter, Eugene Phillips, Arnold Thomas, Wilmor "Slick" Jones.
  • -  Starring: Louis Jordan and his Tympany Five.
  • -  Nicki O'Daniel (Caldonia), Richard Huey (Felix Paradise), Joan Clark (Rosie), George Wiltshire (George), Sam "Spo-de-o-de" Pheard, Louis Jordan (himself).
  • -  Incomplete: VHS viewing copy (Valburn/Ellington Collection) is lacking 2 minutes due to damage in the source material.
  • -  VHS viewing copy is on one cassette with two other films: St. Louis blues and Symphony in black.
  • -  Additional holdings for this title may be available. Contact reference librarian.
  • -  Sources used: Donor collection inventory in M/B/RS Acquisitions file; Meeker, Jazz in the movies; Sampson, Blacks in black and white, p. 174.


  • 1 video file (digital) (ca. 21 min.) : sd., b&w.
  • viewing copy 1 videocassette of 1 (incomplete) (VHS) (18 min.) : sd., b&w ; 1/2 in.

Call Number/Physical Location

  • VAB 6837 (viewing copy)

Source Collection

  • Dettlaff (Alois) Collection (Library of Congress)

Digital Id

Library of Congress Control Number

  • 92506566

Online Format

  • image
  • video

Additional Metadata Formats

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The Library of Congress is not aware of any U.S. copyright or other restrictions in the vast majority of motion pictures in these collections. Absent any such restrictions, these materials are free to use and reuse.

In rare cases, copyrighted motion pictures are made available by special permission to the Library and may be used only for educational purposes. For example, the Gershwin home movies fall within this category. Rights assessment is your responsibility. No registration information exists for some titles, and reproduction of some titles may be restricted by privacy rights, publicity rights, licensing and trademarks. Additionally, some works may still be protected by copyright in the United States or some foreign countries. The written permission of the copyright owners in materials not in the public domain is required for distribution, reproduction, or other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemptions.

Whenever possible, we provide information that we have about copyright owners and related matters in the catalog records, finding aids and other texts that accompany collections. You should consult the catalog information that accompanies each item for specific information. This catalog data provides the details known to the Library of Congress regarding the corresponding item and may assist you in making independent assessments of the legal status of these items for their desired uses. You should also consult restrictions associated with donations to the Library.

Credit Line: Library of Congress, Motion Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division.

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Cite This Item

Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Crouch, William Forest, Film Director, Film Producer, Berle Adams, Don Malkames, Film Distributor Astor Pictures, and Valburn/Ellington Collection. Caldonia. performeds by Jordan, Louis, and Tympany Five United States: Astor Pictures Corporation, 1945. Video.

APA citation style:

Crouch, W. F., Adams, B., Malkames, D., Astor Pictures, F. D. & Valburn/Ellington Collection. (1945) Caldonia. Jordan, L. & Tympany Five, performers United States: Astor Pictures Corporation. [Video] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Crouch, William Forest, Film Director, Film Producer, et al. Caldonia. performer by Jordan, Louis, and Tympany Five United States: Astor Pictures Corporation, 1945. Video. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.