Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as
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Chicago citation style:
E. Sachse & Co. Camp Belger, Baltimore, M'd.: 114th Regt. New York S. Volunteers--Col. Elisha B. Smith, Lieut. Col. Sam. R. Per Lee, Major Henry B. Morse. [Baltimore: Lith. and print. by E. Sachse & Co, 1862] Map.
APA citation style:
E. Sachse & Co. (1862) Camp Belger, Baltimore, M'd.: 114th Regt. New York S. Volunteers--Col. Elisha B. Smith, Lieut. Col. Sam. R. Per Lee, Major Henry B. Morse. [Baltimore: Lith. and print. by E. Sachse & Co] [Map] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
E. Sachse & Co. Camp Belger, Baltimore, M'd.: 114th Regt. New York S. Volunteers--Col. Elisha B. Smith, Lieut. Col. Sam. R. Per Lee, Major Henry B. Morse. [Baltimore: Lith. and print. by E. Sachse & Co, 1862] Map. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.