Audio Recording Former president of Peru Fernando Belaúnde Terry reading from his work
Former president of Peru Fernando Belaúnde Terry interviewed by Georgette M. Dorn
About this Item
- Former president of Peru Fernando Belaúnde Terry reading from his work
- Mr. Belaúnde Terry is interviewed by Georgette M. Dorn and reads fragments of many of his speeches.
- Belaúnde Terry, Fernando, 1912-2002
- Dorn, Georgette M.
- PALABRA Archive (Library of Congress)
Created / Published
- 1977.
- Fragment, Speech on Cuzco -- Fragment, Speech on Arequipa -- Fragment, Speech on Pacaritambo and Cajamarca -- Fragment, Speech on Los andres -- Fragment, Speech on Yungay after 1970 hurricane -- Fragment, Speech on comparing the Andres to the Egyuptian pyramids -- Fragment, Speech on comparing Machu Picchu and Pompeii -- Fragment, Speech, El pueblo lo hizo -- Fragment, Speech on acción popular -- Fragment, Homage to Ciro Alegría -- Closing line, Speech, La plaza San Martín, July 8, 1956 -- From Fragment, Speech, Swearing in of office in front of congress -- Quote, Agrarian law in ancient Peru --Fragment, Speech given in San Martín about Peru's forests -- Fragment, Impromptu speech, Lima's airport upon return to Peru from exile -- Thoughts on exile --Fragment, Speech, Aqui estamos.
- - Belaúnde Terry, Fernando,--1912-2002--Interviews
- - Presidents--Peru--Interviews
- - Peru--Prose
- - In Spanish.
- - Recorded Apr. 22, 1977, in the Library of Congress Recording Laboratory, Studio B, Washington, D.C.
- - Recorded for the Archive of Hispanic Literature on Tape.
- - Production level cataloging.
- 1 sound tape reel : analog, 7 1/2 ips, full track, mono. ; 10 in.
Call Number/Physical Location
- LWO 9482
Digital Id
Library of Congress Control Number
- 93842421
Online Format
- audio
LCCN Permalink
Additional Metadata Formats
- Archive of Hispanic Literature on Tape (Library of Congress)
- Belaúnde Terry, Fernando
- Dorn, Georgette M.
- Palabra Archive (Library of Congress)