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Manuscript/Mixed Material Storia delle navig. [i.e. navigazioni] del Colo. [i.e. Colombo, or Colocut]. Storia delle navig. del Colo / Storia delle navigazioni del Colombo, or Colocut

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About this Item


  • Storia delle navig. [i.e. navigazioni] del Colo. [i.e. Colombo, or Colocut].

Other Title

  • Storia delle navig. del Colo
  • Storia delle navigazioni del Colombo, or Colocut


  • Trevisan, Angelo, -1507 or 1508.
  • Sá, João de, active 15th century-16th century.
  • Anghiera, Pietro Martire d', 1457-1526.
  • Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts Collection (Library of Congress)

Created / Published

  • 1503?


  • -  America--Early accounts to 1600
  • -  Manuscripts, Italian--Washington (D.C.)


  • -  Ms.
  • -  Title from spine of early 19th-century binding.
  • -  In Venetian dialect of Italian.
  • -  The codex assembles in one copy made ca. 1503 a number of reports dating from 1501 to ca. 1503, notably: (ff. 1a-30a) Angelo Trevisan's Italian version, accompanied by four covering letters, of Pietro Martire d'Anghiera's reports on the first three voyages of Columbus (published later as De Orbe Novo, decas 1), with a controversial addition (68b-71b); the anonymous journal by a participant (João de Sá ?) of Cabral's voyage: Nauigatione de Colochut (35b-58a); information obtained from Joseph, the Indian priest of Cranganore (71b-82b; the only known ms. of this text); intelligence reports by Giovanni Matteo Cretico, Girolamo Sernigi, Pietro Pasqueligo, Gianfrancesco Affaitati.
  • -  Text begins: Copia de littere mandate per Anzolo Treuisan canziler del m[agnifi]co messier Domenego Pisani ...
  • -  Former owners: Domenico Malipieri?; Jacopo Soranzo; Matteo Canonici; Rev. Walter Sneyd (his ex libris); J.B. Thacher. Given to LC in 1927.
  • -  Written in Venice, all in one hybrid hand.
  • -  The texts were included in printed publications of the early 16th century, notably in Paesi nouamente retrouati (ed. Fracanzano da Montalboddo, Vicenza, 1507). The section of the codex dealing with Columbus has been edited by Angela Caracciolo Aricò under title Lettere sul Nuovo Mondo (Venezia, 1993).
  • -  Ricci, S. de. Medieval and Renaissance mss., p. 205, no. 41
  • -  Ricci, S. de. Medieval and Renaissance mss. (suppl.), p. 117, no. 26
  • -  LAC nsk 2019-04-08 no edits (4 cards)
  • -  Cataloged as manuscript. vj04 13oc94
  • -  Shelved at end of manuscripts.


  • 84 leaves (leaves 83-84 blank), bound ; 24 cm.

Call Number/Physical Location

  • E141 .T74 1503

Digital Id

Library of Congress Control Number

  • 94218598

Online Format

  • pdf
  • image

Additional Metadata Formats

IIIF Presentation Manifest

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Cite This Item

Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Trevisan, Angelo, -1507 Or 1508, João De Sá, Pietro Martire D' Anghiera, and Medieval And Renaissance Manuscripts Collection. Storia delle navig. i.e. navigazioni del Colo. i.e. Colombo, or Colocut. ?, 1503. Manuscript/Mixed Material.

APA citation style:

Trevisan, A., Sá, J. D., Anghiera, P. M. D. & Medieval And Renaissance Manuscripts Collection. (1503) Storia delle navig. i.e. navigazioni del Colo. i.e. Colombo, or Colocut. ?. [Manuscript/Mixed Material] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Trevisan, Angelo, -1507 Or 1508, et al. Storia delle navig. i.e. navigazioni del Colo. i.e. Colombo, or Colocut. ?, 1503. Manuscript/Mixed Material. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.