Audio Recording Guatemalan writer Ricardo Castañeda Paganini reading from his book
Guatemalan writer Ricardo Castañeda Paganini reading from his book
About this Item
- Guatemalan writer Ricardo Castañeda Paganini reading from his book
- Castañeda Paganini, Ricardo
- PALABRA Archive (Library of Congress)
Created / Published
- 1960.
- Introductory paragraph -- Para poder reconstruir la figura histórica de Tecún-Umán -- El documento histórico que recogió la gesta histórica -- Hecha esta previa aclaración paso a transcribir -- Y luego el Capitán Tecún alzó el vuelo, pues venía...
- - Tecún Umán,---1524
- - Guatemala--Prose
- - Production level cataloging.
- - Prose in Spanish.
- - Recorded for the Archive of Hispanic Literature on Tape.
- - Archive of Hisp. Lit. on Tape, p. 114.
- - Recorded Sept. 22, 1960, USIS, Guatemala City.
- - Preservation master. Washington, D.C. : Library of Congress Magnetic Recording Laboratory, 1979. On 1 sound tape reel : analog, 7 1/2 ips, full track, mono. ; 10 in.
- 1 sound tape reel (ca. 9 min.) : analog, 7 1/2 ips ; 7 in.
Call Number/Physical Location
- LWO 12661, reel 10 (preservation master)
- LWO 3649 (original -- not for playback)
Digital Id
Library of Congress Control Number
- 94838597
Online Format
- audio
LCCN Permalink
Additional Metadata Formats
- Archive of Hispanic Literature on Tape (Library of Congress)
- Castañeda Paganini, Ricardo
- Palabra Archive (Library of Congress)