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Book/Printed Material Potpourri françois des contre-danse ancienne tel quil se danse chez la Reine Potpourri françois de contre danse ancienne tel qu'il se danse chez la Reine

About this Item


  • Potpourri françois des contre-danse ancienne tel quil se danse chez la Reine

Other Title

  • Potpourri françois de contre danse ancienne tel qu'il se danse chez la Reine


  • This is a collection of twelve contredanses, figure-dances performed by four couples and popular during the last half of the eighteenth century. Unlike other published accounts that describe a single figure for each dance, all the dances in this collection contain a series of figures, demonstrating a closer relationship with nineteenth-century quadrilles. Although this collection contains no floor patterns, the figures for each dance are described in text and appropriate music is provided.


  • Landrin, active approximately 1760-1785

Created / Published

  • A Paris : Chez Landrin, m[archan]d de musique ét de dans[e] ..., Lahante, m[aî]tre de danse ..., M[ademoise]lle Castagnery ..., et aux adresse ordinaires, [ca. 1760]


  • -  Country dancing
  • -  Country dancing--France--Handbooks, manuals, etc.--Early works to 1800
  • -  Dance Instruction and Technical Manuals
  • -  Music for Dance


  • -  Chainlines vertical; no watermark found.
  • -  Each of the 12 pieces which together with 4 unnumbered pages at the beginning form v. 1 has special t.p. with title: Potpourri françois de contre danse ancienne ... arrangé et mis au jour par M[onsieu]r Landrin, m[aî]tre de danse ét compositeur des Traits des contre-danse.
  • -  Engraved throughout.
  • -  Imprint from the 12 special title pages in v. 1.
  • -  LC set incomplete: v. 2 wanting.
  • -  The 12 pieces in v. 1 are numbered by hand; each has 7 numbered pages except no. 7 which has 9; the unnumbered last page is always blank.
  • -  Title proper, extent statement, and approximate date of publication from Derra de Moroda.
  • -  Vol. 2 contains choreographic plates for the dances of v. 1. Cf. Derra de Moroda.
  • -  Derra de Moroda, F. The dance library, 1957


  • 2 v. : diagrams, music ; 22 cm.

Call Number/Physical Location

  • GV1649 .L36 1760

Library of Congress Control Number

  • 95214000

Online Format

  • image

Additional Metadata Formats

IIIF Presentation Manifest

Rights & Access

The Library of Congress is not aware of any U.S. copyright or any other restrictions in the materials in this collection.

The Library of Congress is providing access to these materials for educational and research purposes. The written permission of the copyright owners and/or other rights holders (such as publicity and/or privacy rights) is required for distribution, reproduction, or other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemptions. Responsibility for making an independent legal assessment of an item and securing any necessary permissions ultimately rests with persons desiring to use the item.

The accompanying videos were produced by the Library of Congress. Note Video Performers for additional credits for video performers.

Credit Line: Library of Congress, Music Division.

Video Performers

Performers for the October 1997 Great Hall event: Dancers

Members of The Jonquil Street Foundation, Inc. Ariane Anthony, Thomas Baird, Barbara Barr, Patricia Beaman, Christopher Caines, Charles Garth, James Martin, Maris Wolff. Musicians - members of The Library of Congress Centennial Cotillion Brass Band, Emerson Head and Robert Sheldon, Leaders (Members, Metro Washington D.C. Federation of Musicians Local 161-710, AFM.)

Performers for the Coolidge Auditorium clips: Dancers

Cheryl Stafford and Thomas Baird. Musicians - Boris Gurevitch (piano), Susan Manus (violin).

Cite This Item

Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Landrin, Active Approximately. Potpourri françois des contre-danse ancienne tel quil se danse chez la Reine. [A Paris: Chez Landrin, marchand de musique ét de danse ..., Lahante, maître de danse ..., Mademoiselle Castagnery ..., et aux adresse ordinaires, 1760] Image.

APA citation style:

Landrin, A. A. (1760) Potpourri françois des contre-danse ancienne tel quil se danse chez la Reine. [A Paris: Chez Landrin, marchand de musique ét de danse ..., Lahante, maître de danse ..., Mademoiselle Castagnery ..., et aux adresse ordinaires] [Image] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Landrin, Active Approximately. Potpourri françois des contre-danse ancienne tel quil se danse chez la Reine. [A Paris: Chez Landrin, marchand de musique ét de danse ..., Lahante, maître de danse ..., Mademoiselle Castagnery ..., et aux adresse ordinaires, 1760] Image. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.