Film, Video Foxy Grandpa and Polly in a little hilarity Shooting title in Biograph Co. prod. records [MI]: Grandpa & Polly in a little hilarity (dance)
Digital viewing copy
About this Item
- Foxy Grandpa and Polly in a little hilarity
Other Title
- Shooting title in Biograph Co. prod. records [MI]: Grandpa & Polly in a little hilarity (dance)
- Opens on a stage with a stone fence and a painted backdrop of a forest or garden. Husband and wife team of Hart and DeMar as cartoon characters Foxy Grandpa and Polly enter hand-in-hand from behind the fence. Grandpa has a bald pate with bushy white hair on the sides, a big bulbous nose, and a potbelly, dressed in a light-colored suit with a vest and spats and carrying a bowler in his left hand. Polly wears a ruffled, light-colored dress with dark trim that goes to her ankles, a bedecked bonnet, white stockings, heeled shoes, and a choker around her neck. Both are smiling broadly as they reach center stage and begin their vaudeville-style dance, with tap, soft shoe, and other synchronized leg movements and twirls in what appears to be a ragtime rhythm.
- Hart, Joseph, 1861-1921, cast
- DeMar, Carrie, cast
- Bonine, R. (Robert K.), camera
- Brady, William A., 1863-1950
- Bunny, 1866-1939
- American Mutoscope and Biograph Company
- Paper Print Collection (Library of Congress)
Created / Published
- United States : American Mutoscope and Biograph Company, 1902.
- - Foxy Grandpa--(Fictitious character)
- - Polly--(Fictitious character)
- - Tap dancing
- Comedy films
- Filmed vaudeville acts
- Silent films
- Short films
- Nonfiction films
- - H18034 U.S. Copyright Office
- - Copyright: American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 23May1902; H18034.
- - Original main title lacking.
- - Duration: 0:30 at 16 fps.
- - Paper print shelf number (LC 1342) was changed when the paper prints were re-housed.
- - Additional holdings for this title may be available. Contact reference librarian.
- - Biograph production no. 2146.
- - Based on the musical Foxy Grandpa by William A. Brady, which was based on the comic strip by Carl E. "Bunny" Schultz.
- - Sources used: Copyright catalog, motion pictures, 1894-1912; Niver, K. Early motion pictures, p. 111; AFI cat.: film beginnings, 1893-1910; American Mutoscope & Biograph picture catalogue, Nov. 1902 [MI], p. 63; Biograph bulletins 1896-1908, 1971, p. 75-76; Musser, C. The emergence of cinema, p. 308.
- - Camera, Robert K. Bonine.
- - Joseph J. Hart (Foxy Grandpa), Carrie DeMar (Polly).
- - Filmed May 17, 1902, in the Biograph New York City studio.
- - Early motion pictures : the Paper Print Collection in the Library of Congress / by Kemp R. Niver. Library of Congress. 1985.
- viewing print 1 film reel of 1 (12 ft.) : si., b&w ; 16 mm.
- viewing print 1 film reel of 1 (ca. 30 ft.) : si., b&w ; 35 mm.
- dupe neg pic 1 film reel of 1 (12 ft.) : si., b&w ; 16 mm.
- dupe neg pic 1 film reel of 1 (ca. 30 ft.) : si., b&w ; 35 mm.
- master pos pic 1 film reel of 1 (12 ft.) : si., b&w ; 16 mm.
- paper pos 1 roll of 1 (ca. 30 ft.) : si., b&w ; 35 mm.
- paper pos (copy 2) 1 roll of 1 (ca. 30 ft.) : b&w ; 35 mm.
Call Number/Physical Location
- FLA 4356 (viewing print)
- FEC 1473 (viewing print)
- FRA 1497 (dupe neg pic)
- FPE 7556 (dupe neg pic)
- FRB 1954 (master pos pic)
- Box 0020J (paper pos)
- Box 5031J (paper pos, copy 2)
- Library of Congress Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA dcu
Digital Id
Library of Congress Control Number
- 96520413
Online Format
- image
- video
LCCN Permalink
Additional Metadata Formats
Part of
- American Mutoscope and Biograph Company
- Bonine, R. (Robert K.)
- Brady, William A.
- Bunny
- Demar, Carrie
- Hart, Joseph
- Paper Print Collection (Library of Congress)