Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as
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Chicago citation style:
King, N, Meriwether Lewis, and William Clark. Lewis and Clark map, with annotations in brown ink by Meriwether Lewis, tracing showing the Mississippi, the Missouri for a short distance above Kansas, Lakes Michigan, Superior, and Winnipeg, and the country onwards to the Pacific. [?, 1803] Map.
APA citation style:
King, N., Lewis, M. & Clark, W. (1803) Lewis and Clark map, with annotations in brown ink by Meriwether Lewis, tracing showing the Mississippi, the Missouri for a short distance above Kansas, Lakes Michigan, Superior, and Winnipeg, and the country onwards to the Pacific. [?] [Map] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
King, N, Meriwether Lewis, and William Clark. Lewis and Clark map, with annotations in brown ink by Meriwether Lewis, tracing showing the Mississippi, the Missouri for a short distance above Kansas, Lakes Michigan, Superior, and Winnipeg, and the country onwards to the Pacific. [?, 1803] Map. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.