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Chicago citation style:
Quelch, John, Approximately, and Massachusetts. Court Of Admiralty. The arraignment, tryal, and condemnation, of Capt. John Quelch, and others of his company, &c. for sundry piracies, robberies, and murder, committed upon the subjects of the King of Portugal, Her Majesty's allie, on the coast of Brazil, &c.: who upon full evidence, were found guilty, at the Court-House in Boston, on the thirteenth of June, by virtue of a commission, grounded upon the act of the eleventh and twelfth years of King William, for the more effectual suppression of piracy: with the arguments of the Queen's council, and council for the prisoners upon the said act: perused by His Excellency Joseph Dudley, Esq., captain-general and commander in chief in and over Her Majesty's province of the Massachusetts-Bay, in New-England, in America, &c.: to which are also added, some papers that were produc'd at the tryal abovesaid: with an account of the ages of the several prisoners, and the places where they were born. London: Printed for Ben. Bragg, 1705. Pdf.
APA citation style:
Quelch, J. & Massachusetts. Court Of Admiralty. (1705) The arraignment, tryal, and condemnation, of Capt. John Quelch, and others of his company, &c. for sundry piracies, robberies, and murder, committed upon the subjects of the King of Portugal, Her Majesty's allie, on the coast of Brazil, &c.: who upon full evidence, were found guilty, at the Court-House in Boston, on the thirteenth of June, by virtue of a commission, grounded upon the act of the eleventh and twelfth years of King William, for the more effectual suppression of piracy: with the arguments of the Queen's council, and council for the prisoners upon the said act: perused by His Excellency Joseph Dudley, Esq., captain-general and commander in chief in and over Her Majesty's province of the Massachusetts-Bay, in New-England, in America, &c.: to which are also added, some papers that were produc'd at the tryal abovesaid: with an account of the ages of the several prisoners, and the places where they were born. London: Printed for Ben. Bragg. [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Quelch, John, Approximately, and Massachusetts. Court Of Admiralty. The arraignment, tryal, and condemnation, of Capt. John Quelch, and others of his company, &c. for sundry piracies, robberies, and murder, committed upon the subjects of the King of Portugal, Her Majesty's allie, on the coast of Brazil, &c.: who upon full evidence, were found guilty, at the Court-House in Boston, on the thirteenth of June, by virtue of a commission, grounded upon the act of the eleventh and twelfth years of King William, for the more effectual suppression of piracy: with the arguments of the Queen's council, and council for the prisoners upon the said act: perused by His Excellency Joseph Dudley, Esq., captain-general and commander in chief in and over Her Majesty's province of the Massachusetts-Bay, in New-England, in America, &c.: to which are also added, some papers that were produc'd at the tryal abovesaid: with an account of the ages of the several prisoners, and the places where they were born. London: Printed for Ben. Bragg, 1705. Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.