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Photo, Print, Drawing Esther Schmall, German American quilter, and Deutsche Festspielers, Laurel, Montana; Gravestones in adjacent cemeteries, Montana Street, Butte, Montana; Father Sarsfield O'Sullivan, Irish American priest, Butte, Montana

About this Item


  • Esther Schmall, German American quilter, and Deutsche Festspielers, Laurel, Montana; Gravestones in adjacent cemeteries, Montana Street, Butte, Montana; Father Sarsfield O'Sullivan, Irish American priest, Butte, Montana


  • Stanton, Gary Ward, 1946- (Collector)
  • Johnson, Paula J., 1954- (Collector)
  • Toelken, Barre, 1935- (Collector)
  • Johnson, Paula J., 1954- (Photographer)

Created / Published

  • Laurel, Montana; Butte, Montana, August 20, 1979 - August 26, 1979


  • -  Quilts
  • -  German Americans
  • -  Irish Americans
  • -  Serbian Americans
  • -  Headstones
  • -  Cemeteries
  • -  Choirs (Music)
  • -  Irish American Catholics
  • -  Photographs
  • -  Ethnography
  • -  United States -- Montana -- Butte
  • -  United States -- Montana -- Laurel


  • Photographs
  • Ethnography


  • -  Note: Online digital image numbers may be offset by 1 or 2 digits from the film negative frame numbers.
  • -  Index data: Film negative frame numbers, descriptions: at the home of Esther Schmall of Laurel MT, German American quilter and singer (20 August 1979): 1-3 [00-04], cathedral window quilt by Esther Schmall (from 00 consists of a half-expostrure at the start of the roll); at a rehearsal by Die Deutsche Festspielers, Laurel MT (20 August 1979): 4-10, Die Deutsche Festspielers practice; cemeteries on Montana St. in Butte MT (26 August 1979): 11-13, headstone with Welsh inscription, "John Hughes, 23 Oed o Efail Newydd, GC [may be "23-year-old from New Efail GC, Wales" ?], a Laddwyd yn y Little Mina [and stopped in the Little Mina ?] Gorph. 1, 1909, Yn yr arhni thybioch y daw Mab y dyn [In the assumption, the Son of Man is supposed to come ?]"; 14-18, grave marker for James Lugg, A.O.U.W. (Ancient Order of United Workmen) and an emblem of St George killing the dragon, "died May 16, 1909, aged 41 years," with poem, ""We miss thee from our home dear, We miss thee from thy place, A shadow o'er our life is cast, We miss the sunshine of thy face," and "Gone but not forgotten"; 19-22, grave marker with crossed rifles, "In Memory of Joseph A.J. Beckman, native of Hamburg Germany, killed at La Loma Church, near Manila, PI, Mar. 25, 1899, aged 38 years, erected by members of Co. F.1, Mont. U.S.V. [Montana Volunteers, Spanish American War]"; 23-26, Slavic section of cemetery; inscriptions in Cyrillic orthography, one includes "Mrvosh" in Roman script; 27-28, headstone for Michael N. Terzovich, side in English shown, "born in 1858, at Mokrine Boka Kotorska Austria, killed in original mine, April 9, 1904," the photographers notes state that the other side is in Serbian; 29-30, photographs on gravemarker, text in Cyrillic; 31, fieldworker Barre Toelken in the cemetery; at the rectory home of Father Sarsfield O'Sullivan, priest of St. Lawrence O'Toole Roman Catholic Church, serving Butte's Irish American community (26 August 1979): 32-37, Rev. Sarsfield O'Sullivan. Initial frame numbers as typed in photographer's log sheets; frame numbers in square brackets as assigned at time of scanning.


  • 35 mm black-and-white film negatives

Call Number/Physical Location

  • Call number: AFC 1981/005: 84604

Source Collection

  • Montana Folklife Survey collection (AFC 1981/005)


  • American Folklife Center

Digital Id

Online Format

  • image

IIIF Presentation Manifest

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The Library of Congress believes that some of the materials in this collection are in the public domain or have no known copyright restrictions, and are therefore free to use or reuse. For example, the fieldwork in this collection is in the public domain in the United States.

However, the Library has obtained permission for the use of other materials, and presents additional materials for educational and research purposes in accordance with fair use under United States copyright law. For example, some of the recordings contain copyrighted music, and not all of the performers and other individuals who were recorded signed releases for public use of their work.

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Credit line: Montana Folklife Survey collection (AFC 1981/005), American Folklife Center, Library of Congress

Cite This Item

Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Stanton, Gary Ward, Paula J Johnson, Barre Toelken, and Paula J Johnson. Esther Schmall, German American quilter, and Deutsche Festspielers, Laurel, Montana; Gravestones in adjacent cemeteries, Montana Street, Butte, Montana; Father Sarsfield O'Sullivan, Irish American priest, Butte, Montana. United States Laurel Butte Montana, 1979. Laurel, Montana; Butte, Montana, - August 26, 1979. Photograph.

APA citation style:

Stanton, G. W., Johnson, P. J., Toelken, B. & Johnson, P. J. (1979) Esther Schmall, German American quilter, and Deutsche Festspielers, Laurel, Montana; Gravestones in adjacent cemeteries, Montana Street, Butte, Montana; Father Sarsfield O'Sullivan, Irish American priest, Butte, Montana. United States Laurel Butte Montana, 1979. Laurel, Montana; Butte, Montana, - August 26, 1979. [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Stanton, Gary Ward, et al. Esther Schmall, German American quilter, and Deutsche Festspielers, Laurel, Montana; Gravestones in adjacent cemeteries, Montana Street, Butte, Montana; Father Sarsfield O'Sullivan, Irish American priest, Butte, Montana. Laurel, Montana; Butte, Montana, - August 26, 1979. Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.