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Audio Recording Interview with Agnes Vanderburg at her camp, Flathead Indian Reservation, near Arlee, Montana, first interview, part 2

Interview with Mrs. Agnes Vanderburg, teacher, outdoor school for traditional Flathead Indian ways

About this Item


  • Interview with Agnes Vanderburg at her camp, Flathead Indian Reservation, near Arlee, Montana, first interview, part 2


  • Fleischhauer, Carl (Collector)
  • Young, Kay, 1931- (Collector)
  • Vanderburg, Agnes (Interviewee)
  • Bowers, Rachel (Interviewee)

Created / Published

  • near Valley Creek, Montana, July 19, 1979


  • -  Salishan beadwork
  • -  Camassia quamash
  • -  Powwows
  • -  Quillwork
  • -  Dyes and dyeing
  • -  Ethnography
  • -  Field recordings
  • -  Interviews
  • -  Sound recordings
  • -  United States -- Montana -- Arlee


  • Ethnography
  • Field recordings
  • Interviews
  • Sound recordings


  • -  Note: Note 2: Fieldworker Kay Young interviewed Agnes Vanderburg on July 19, 22, and 23, 1979. On July 19, three tapes were recorded (call numbers AFC 1981/005: AFS 20471, AFS 20472, and AFS 20473), and their titles end with "first interview" and "parts 1, 2, and 3." The numbering and documentation for the two tape recordings made on July 23 and 23 was adjusted in the period following the project. The entirety of one tape was made on July 22, and the catalog record carries the call number AFC 1981/005: AFS 20474, and the field project identifier MT9-KY-R4; the handwritten log for this recording (call number: AFC 1981/005: Box 7, Folder 100, page 8;, carries the call number AFS 20474 (with AFS 20476 struck out) and the field project identifier MT9-KY-R6 (written over "R4"). The first 12 minutes (elapsed time) of a second tape was also made on July 22, with the remaining five minutes recorded on July 23, 1979. The machine readable data and the log for this tape (call number: AFC 1981/005: Box 7, Folder 100, page 7;, carry the call number AFC 1981/005: AFS 20475 and the field project identifier MT9-KY-R5. The titles for these two tapes (with AFS 20475 preceding AFS 20474) end with the phrase "second interview" and "parts 1 and 2."
  • -  Index data: Part 2 of a 3-part recording at the outdoor school (also called a camp) organized by Agnes Vanderburg to teach traditional Flathead Indian Ways, near Valley Creek MT; fieldworker's notes state that there is ambient sound of wind, trucks, and a bell on a dog's collar: Agnes Vanderburg tells about porcupine quills and hair; about dye for porcupine quills; about learning traditional Flathead skills from her mother; about Rachel Bowers learning traditional skills, construction and use of "shinny ball" [similar to field hockey]; description of tool used to dig camas (Camassia quamash) and other roots; Jan Charlo approaches with a child called Little Man with a fish hook embedded in his thumb, discussion and decision to take child to doctor; Vanderburg thoughts on powwows; question from fieldworker Carl Fleischhauer, discussion of dances; about ways to deal with drunkenness; the names of Vanderburg's children.


  • 7-inch reel

Call Number/Physical Location

  • Call number: AFC 1981/005: AFS 20472
  • MBRS shelflist: RXA 0958
  • Field project identifier: MT9-KY-R2

Source Collection

  • Montana Folklife Survey collection (AFC 1981/005)


  • American Folklife Center

Digital Id

Online Format

  • audio

Rights & Access

The Library of Congress believes that some of the materials in this collection are in the public domain or have no known copyright restrictions, and are therefore free to use or reuse. For example, the fieldwork in this collection is in the public domain in the United States.

However, the Library has obtained permission for the use of other materials, and presents additional materials for educational and research purposes in accordance with fair use under United States copyright law. For example, some of the recordings contain copyrighted music, and not all of the performers and other individuals who were recorded signed releases for public use of their work.

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Credit line: Montana Folklife Survey collection (AFC 1981/005), American Folklife Center, Library of Congress

Cite This Item

Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Fleischhauer, Carl, Kay Young, Agnes Vanderburg, and Rachel Bowers. Interview with Agnes Vanderburg at her camp, Flathead Indian Reservation, near Arlee, Montana, first interview, part 2. near Valley Creek, Montana, 1979. Audio.

APA citation style:

Fleischhauer, C., Young, K., Vanderburg, A. & Bowers, R. (1979) Interview with Agnes Vanderburg at her camp, Flathead Indian Reservation, near Arlee, Montana, first interview, part 2. near Valley Creek, Montana. [Audio] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Fleischhauer, Carl, et al. Interview with Agnes Vanderburg at her camp, Flathead Indian Reservation, near Arlee, Montana, first interview, part 2. near Valley Creek, Montana, 1979. Audio. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.