Personal Narrative Film, Video Manuscript/Mixed Material Photo, Print, Drawing Jose Mares Collection

Veterans History Project Service Summary:
- War or Conflict: Vietnam War, 1961-1975; Korean War, 1950-1953
- Branch of Service: Army
- Service Unit/Ship: 38th Field Artillery, 2nd Infantry Division
- Location of Service: Fort Sam Houston, Texas; Fort Lewis, Washington; Korea; China
- Highest Rank: Corporal
- Collection Number: AFC/2001/001/6059
Infantryman Jose Mares was eating his Thanksgiving dinner on November 24, 1950 while on duty in Korea, when North Korean troops attacked his unit, killing soldiers seated on either side of him. Five days later, he was captured, beginning almost three years of brutal treatment. Mares wouldn't break, even after he was nearly executed for simply refusing to offer any more information than his name, rank, serial number, and date of birth.
Interview / Recording
PlayShipping out; a sense of duty. 00:09:03.0 - 00:11:20.0
PlayAttraction to the infantry. 00:13:11.0 - 00:13:56.0
PlayA promotion; his best friend captured, tortured. 00:15:20.0 - 00:20:28.5
PlayCapture on Thanksgiving Day. 00:21:53.0 - 00:27:19.0
PlayInterrogation through torture. 00:28:09.0 - 00:29:36.0
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Interview / Recording
Interview / Recording
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About this Item
- Jose Mares Collection
- Willie, Michael Lloyd
- WRCB-TV Channel 3
- Bowen, Sarah
- Mares, Jose
Home State
- Georgia
- - Mares, Jose
- - Korean War, 1950-1953 -- Personal Narratives
- - United States. Army.
- - Prisoner of War -- United States
- - Vietnam War, 1961-1975 -- Personal Narratives
- - United States. Army.
- Veterans History Project, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress
- Male
- veteran
Service History
Korean War, 1950-1953
- Branch of Service: Army
- Service Unit/Ship: 38th Field Artillery, 2nd Infantry Division
- Location of Service: Fort Sam Houston, Texas; Fort Lewis, Washington; Korea; China
- Highest Rank: Corporal
- Dates of Service: 1949-1971
- Prisoner of War: Yes
- Military Status: veteran
Vietnam War, 1961-1975
- Branch of Service: Army
- Dates of Service: 1949-1971
- Military Status: veteran
- Manuscript: Creative works [1 item] -- Handwritten document (collected unknown)
- Manuscript: Maps [1 item] -- (collected unknown)
- Manuscript: Correspondence [6 items] -- Typewritten document (collected unknown)
- Manuscript: Clippings [1 item] -- Typewritten document (collected unknown)
- Manuscript: Biography [1 item] -- (collected unknown)
- Manuscript: Unit histories [1 item] -- (collected unknown)
- Photograph: Original photographic print [4 items] -- Photographs (collected 1950)
- Video: Betacam SP [3 items] -- Oral history interview (collected 2003-02-20)
Collection Number
- AFC/2001/001/6059
Online Format
- image
- video