Personal Narrative Film, Video Manuscript/Mixed Material Photo, Print, Drawing Logan D. Fitch Collection

Veterans History Project Service Summary:
- War or Conflict: Vietnam War, 1961-1975; Cold War
- Branch of Service: Army
- Service Unit/Ship: J6 Headquarters, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam; 2nd Battalion, 503rd Parachute Infantry, 173rd Airborne Brigade; 85th Ordnance Battalion; Detachment A, Berlin Brigade; B Company, 2nd Battalion, 509th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division; 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D)
- Location of Service: Saigon, Vietnam; Fort Bliss, Texas; Xuan Loc, Vietnam; Landing Zone English, Vietnam; Fort Carson, Colorado; Fort Ord, California; Hanau, Germany; Fort Irwin, California; Fort Benning, Georgia; Berlin, Germany; Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Mainz, Germany; Bad Tolz, Germany; Nacogdoches, Texas
- Highest Rank: Major
- Collection Number: AFC/2001/001/91031
A self-described "wild kid," Major Logan D. Fitch enlisted in the Army in 1961 at the age of 17, seeking escape from his small town life in Colorado. Thus began a storied military career, one that would involve service in Vietnam, becoming an officer, and eventually, to command of a squadron of the elite Special Forces known as Delta Force. In 1980, he served as Squadron Commander during Operation Eagle Claw, a failed attempt to extract the hostages being held at the American embassy in Tehran. His oral history includes his thoughts on what went wrong during the operation, as well as recollections of his Vietnam combat experiences, Ranger training, and as a Military Freefall Parachutist.
Interview / Recording
PlayFirst years in the Army; deciding to become an officer; wanting to be in the infantry. 00:02:45.0 - 00:06:10.0
PlayDifferences between Rangers School and Special Forces. 00:18:04.0 - 00:21:04.0
PlayLearning how to do freefall parachute jumps; earning parachute badges from different countries. 00:25:33.0 - 00:28:27.0
PlayCreation of Delta Force; origins; training of selectees. 00:32:54.0 - 00:39:16.0
PlayBackground of Operation Eagle Claw; formulation of hostage rescue plan. 00:43:22.0 - 00:51:20.0
PlayExecution of Operation Eagle Claw; where things went wrong; crew losses. 00:53:05.0 - 01:06:30.0
About this Item
- Logan D. Fitch Collection
- Fitch, Logan D.
- Shorak, B.J.
- National Court Reporters Association (NCRA)
- Ellis, Al
Home State
- Texas
- - Fitch, Logan D.
- - Cold War -- Personal Narratives
- - United States. Army.
- - Vietnam War, 1961-1975 -- Personal Narratives
- - United States. Army.
- Veterans History Project, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress
- Male
- White
- veteran
Service History
Cold War
- Branch of Service: Army
- Service Unit/Ship: 85th Ordnance Battalion; Detachment A, Berlin Brigade; B Company, 2nd Battalion, 509th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division; 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D)
- Location of Service: Fort Carson, Colorado; Fort Ord, California; Hanau, Germany; Fort Irwin, California; Fort Benning, Georgia; Berlin, Germany; Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Mainz, Germany; Bad Tolz, Germany; Nacogdoches, Texas
- Highest Rank: Major
- Dates of Service: 1961-1982
- Entrance into Service: Enlisted
- Military Status: veteran
Vietnam War, 1961-1975
- Branch of Service: Army
- Service Unit/Ship: J6 Headquarters, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam; 2nd Battalion, 503rd Parachute Infantry, 173rd Airborne Brigade
- Location of Service: Saigon, Vietnam; Fort Bliss, Texas; Xuan Loc, Vietnam; Landing Zone English, Vietnam
- Entrance into Service: Enlisted
- Military Status: veteran
- Video: DVD [1 item] -- Oral history interview (collected 2012-06-24; 2012-06-24)
- Manuscript: Biographical information [1 item] -- Typewritten document (collected 2012)
- Manuscript: Transcript [1 item] -- Transcription of video recording (collected 2012-08-31)
Collection Number
- AFC/2001/001/91031
Online Format
- image
- online text
- video
Additional Metadata Formats
IIIF Presentation Manifest
Part of
Physical Form
Wars & Conflicts
Service Branch
Location of Service
- Bad Tolz, Germany
- Berlin, Germany
- Fort Benning, Georgia
- Fort Bliss, Texas
- Fort Bragg, North Carolina
- Fort Carson, Colorado
- Fort Irwin, California
- Fort Ord, California
- Hanau, Germany
- Landing Zone English, Vietnam
- Mainz, Germany
- Nacogdoches, Texas
- Saigon, Vietnam
- Tuscaloosa, Alabama
- Xuan Loc, Vietnam
Battles & Campaigns
Service Unit/Ship
- 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st Sfod-D)
- 2nd Battalion, 503rd Parachute Infantry, 173rd Airborne Brigade
- 85th Ordnance Battalion
- B Company, 2nd Battalion, 509th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division
- Detachment A, Berlin Brigade
- J6 Headquarters, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam