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Chicago citation style:
Campaign songs for the N. H. gubernatorial campaign, of 1872. She's not so far gone but a straw can redeem her. The new departure!, or, How my wife made me promise to vote for Straw!. Nashua, New Hampshire, 1872. Image.
APA citation style:
(1872) Campaign songs for the N. H. gubernatorial campaign, of 1872. She's not so far gone but a straw can redeem her. The new departure!, or, How my wife made me promise to vote for Straw!. Nashua, New Hampshire. [Image] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Campaign songs for the N. H. gubernatorial campaign, of 1872. She's not so far gone but a straw can redeem her. The new departure!, or, How my wife made me promise to vote for Straw!. Nashua, New Hampshire, 1872. Image. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.