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Photo, Print, Drawing Wallace Libbey Hardison Ranch, 1226 Ojai Road, Santa Paula, Ventura County, CA

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About this Item


  • Wallace Libbey Hardison Ranch, 1226 Ojai Road, Santa Paula, Ventura County, CA


  • Historic American Buildings Survey, creator
  • Hardison, Wallace Libbey
  • Union Oil Company
  • Santa Paula Waterworks, Ltd.
  • Thermal Belt Water Company
  • Limoneira Company
  • Teague, Charles Collins
  • Hardison, A C
  • Procter, James Norris
  • Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy
  • Jimeno Casarin, Manuel
  • More, Thomas Wallace
  • More, Andrew
  • More, Henry
  • Briggs, George G
  • Higgins, E B
  • Norway, W H
  • Blanchard, Nathan Weston
  • Bradley, E L
  • Bradley, Elizabeth Ann Hobbs
  • Stewart, Lyman
  • Hardison and Stewart Oil Company
  • Bard, Thomas
  • Southern Pacific Railroad
  • Teague-McKevett Ranch
  • Hardison, Clara McDonald
  • Hardison, Guy Lyman
  • Hardison, Augusta
  • Procter, Hope Hardison
  • Hardison, Warren
  • Sespe Oil Company
  • Rhoads, Washington
  • Harrison, William Benjamin
  • McDonald, Elizabeth
  • Torrey Canyon Oil Company
  • Rancho Ex-Mission San Buenaventura
  • Santa Paula Horse and Cattle Company
  • Say, Annie McDonald
  • Say, John R. D.
  • Hardison, Harvey
  • Hardison, Jacob
  • Hardison, Lowell
  • Hardison, Lewis
  • Hardison, Oliver
  • Brown, Ida
  • Brown, Chester
  • Brown, Fred
  • Hardison, Allan Crosby ("A. C.")
  • Mission Transfer Company
  • Universalist Church
  • Throop, Amos
  • Bradley, Elisha
  • Bradley, Mary
  • Lineman, John C
  • Inca Mining Company
  • Los Angeles Herald
  • Porter, Florence Collins
  • Otis, Harrison Gray
  • Procter, Edwin Norris
  • Procter, Robert Alexander
  • San Buenaventura Conservancy
  • Santa Paula Conservancy
  • Ventura County Landmark
  • Hill, Dennis, photographer
  • Williams Homes, Inc., sponsor
  • Architectural Resource Consultants, contractor
  • San Buenaventura Research Associates, contractor
  • LP Cook Survey, contractor
  • Smith, Scott, project manager
  • Cook, Paul, field team
  • Stone, Mitchel R., historian
  • Russo, John, field team
  • Jeffrey, Fatima, delineator
  • McPartland, Mary, transmitter
  • McPartland, Mary, transmitter

Created / Published

  • Documentation compiled after 1933


  • -  ranches
  • -  domestic life
  • -  agriculture
  • -  houses
  • -  barns
  • -  stables
  • -  garages
  • -  Italianate architectural elements
  • -  citrus fruit industry
  • -  housing developments
  • -  California--Ventura County--Santa Paula

Latitude / Longitude

  • 34.372514,-119.067243


  • -  Significance: This property is closely associated with a significant historical event: the settlement of Santa Paula Canyon, itself an important event within the overall development of the Santa Paula community. Wallace Hardison was one of the first of a handful of settlers to purchase land in Santa Paula Canyon during the 1880s, build homes, and become longterm residents. The settlement of the canyon, the sole source of domestic water for the entirety of Santa Paula for over two decades, in which Hardison took part, is closely linked to the larger theme of community development. The house and outbuildings is one of only a handful of ranches in the canyon from this period to remain today, and the only intact ranch from this period to include its associated buildings. The property was owned from 1883 by Wallace Libbey Hardison and was the site of his home beginning in 1884 until circa 1900. Hardison led a distinguished and significant career in the development of the oil industry, culminating in the founding of the Union Oil Company in 1890, an event of at least statewide if not national significance. Hardison also made significant personal contributions towards the successful development of the Santa Paula community with the establishment of Santa Paula Waterworks, Ltd., the supplier of domestic water to Santa Paula, and the Thermal Belt Water Company. This latter company was key to the founding of the Limoneira Company in 1893, an event in which Hardison was also a major participant. The Limoneira Company would evolve rapidly into one of the state's most prominent agribusiness concerns and a driving force behind the growth and development of Santa Paula for many decades to follow. Wallace Hardison was a key figure in the establishment of a Universalist congregation in Santa Paula and in the construction of the church building. Hardison's many business ventures led many of his family members to relocate to Santa Paula, several of whom went on to become important figures in their own rights. Most prominent among the individuals who were attracted to Santa Paula by Wallace Hardison were grand-nephew Charles Collins Teague, who became the director of the Limoneira Company for fifty years, and an agriculturist with a national reputation; and nephew A.C. Hardison, who made significant contributions to agriculture both locally and on a statewide level. The Main Residence and Barn/Stables buildings on the property are representative examples of an architectural style, period, and type of construction that is relatively scarce in Santa Paula. While they are not particularly high-style examples of their architectural types, few Italianate-style buildings from the period before the arrival of the Southern Pacific Railroad in 1887 were ever constructed in Santa Paula, and at most only a handful exist today, and none of this scale and architectural quality.
  • -  Survey number: HABS CA-2921
  • -  Building/structure dates: 1884-1885 Initial Construction
  • -  Building/structure dates: ca. 1920 Subsequent Work
  • -  Building/structure dates: ca. 1900- ca. 1910 Subsequent Work
  • -  Building/structure dates: 2018 Subsequent Work


  • Photo(s): 10
  • Measured Drawing(s): 1
  • Data Page(s): 18
  • Photo Caption Page(s): 2

Call Number/Physical Location

  • HABS CA-2921

Source Collection

  • Historic American Buildings Survey (Library of Congress)


Control Number

  • ca4314

Rights Advisory

Online Format

  • image
  • pdf






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Cite This Item

Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Historic American Buildings Survey, Creator, Wallace Libbey Hardison, Union Oil Company, Ltd Santa Paula Waterworks, Thermal Belt Water Company, Limoneira Company, Charles Collins Teague, et al., Hill, Dennis, photographer. Wallace Libbey Hardison Ranch,Ojai Road, Santa Paula, Ventura County, CA. California Santa Paula Ventura County, 1933. translateds by Mcpartland, Marymitter, and Mcpartland, Marymitter Documentation Compiled After. Photograph.

APA citation style:

Historic American Buildings Survey, C., Hardison, W. L., Union Oil Company, Santa Paula Waterworks, L., Thermal Belt Water Company, Limoneira Company [...] Jeffrey, F., Hill, D., photographer. (1933) Wallace Libbey Hardison Ranch,Ojai Road, Santa Paula, Ventura County, CA. California Santa Paula Ventura County, 1933. McPartland, M. & McPartland, M., transs Documentation Compiled After. [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Historic American Buildings Survey, Creator, et al., photographer by Hill, Dennis. Wallace Libbey Hardison Ranch,Ojai Road, Santa Paula, Ventura County, CA. trans by Mcpartland, Marymitter, and Mcpartland, Marymitter Documentation Compiled After. Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.