Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as
a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.
Chicago citation style:
Historic American Buildings Survey, Creator, Benjamin Henry Latrobe, National Trust For Historic Preservation, White House Historical Association, Stephen Decatur, Kathryn K Lasdow, Thomas T Waterman, et al., Boucher, Jack E, Renee Bieretz, John O Brostrup, and Unknown, photographer. Decatur House, National Trust for Historic Preservation, 748 Jackson Place Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, DC. Washington D.C. Washington, 1933. translateds by Jandoli, Lizmitter, Price, Virginia Barrettmitter, and Price, Virginia Barrettmitter Documentation Compiled After. Photograph.
APA citation style:
Historic American Buildings Survey, C., Latrobe, B. H., National Trust For Historic Preservation, White House Historical Association, Decatur, S., Lasdow, K. K. [...] Bowie, F. D., Boucher, J. E., Bieretz, R., Brostrup, J. O. & Unknown, photographer. (1933) Decatur House, National Trust for Historic Preservation, 748 Jackson Place Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, DC. Washington D.C. Washington, 1933. Jandoli, L., Price, V. B. & Price, V. B., transs Documentation Compiled After. [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Historic American Buildings Survey, Creator, et al., photographers by Boucher, Jack E, et al. Decatur House, National Trust for Historic Preservation, 748 Jackson Place Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, DC. trans by Jandoli, Lizmitter, Price, Virginia Barrettmitter, and Price, Virginia Barrettmitter Documentation Compiled After. Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.