Photo, Print, Drawing Theodore Roosevelt Island, Potomac River, Washington, District of Columbia, DC
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About this Item
- Theodore Roosevelt Island, Potomac River, Washington, District of Columbia, DC
- Historic American Landscapes Survey, creator
- Mason, George, IV
- Mason, John
- Hadfield, George
- Hepburn, David
- Bradley, William A., Sr.
- 1st U.S. Colored Infantry Regiment
- Truth, Sojourner
- Association of Friends for the Aid and Elevation of the Freedmen
- Bradley, William A., Sr.
- Bradley Family
- Columbia Athletic Club
- Leiter, Joseph
- Washington Gas Light Company
- Roosevelt Memorial Association (Theodore Roosevelt Association)
- Olmsted, Frederick Law, Jr.
- Hubbard, Henry V.
- Olmsted Brothers
- U.S. National Park Service
- Manship, Paul
- Gugler, Eric
- Fonderia Artistica Battaglia
- Baldi & Sons
- Dolinsky, Paul D., Chief, Historic American Landscapes Survey
- O'Connor, Richard, Chief, Heritage Documentation Programs
- Vela, David, superintendent
- Muller, Bonita, project manager
- Wenchel, Andrew, project manager
- George Washington Memorial Parkway, sponsor
- Kidd, Anne E., field team supervisor
- Clemmens, Meghan, field team
- Mincey, Cal J., field team
- Pliska, Jonathan, field team
- Rosenthal, James W., photographer
- Lowe, Jet, photographer
- Stein, James, field team
Created / Published
- Documentation compiled after 2000
- - bas-reliefs
- - basins
- - emblems
- - fountains
- - sculpture
- - stonework (granite)
- - charity
- - religious groups
- - agriculture
- - slavery
- - elevations
- - elevations
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- - photographs (photocopies)
- - watercolors (photocopies)
- - archaeology
- - historic sites
- - military organizations
- - historic buildings
- - leisure
- - sports
- - benches
- - Presidents & the Congress
- - plazas
- - granite
- - African Americans
- - landscaping plans
- - landscaping plans
- - barracks
- - clubhouses
- - country houses
- - estates
- - schools
- - national parks & reserves
- - hospitals
- - Friends meeting houses
- - plantations
- - mansions
- - story
- - picnic grounds
- - resorts
- - gardens
- - orchards
- - trees
- - paths
- - allées
- - shrubs
- - beds (site elements)
- - vegetable gardens
- - lawns
- - grounds
- - deciduous trees
- - evergreens
- - canopy trees
- - understory trees
- - planting drawings
- - plant material lists
- - footpaths
- - pedestrian bridges
- - trails & paths
- - formal gardens
- - slave quarters
- - war (Civil War)
- - gardeners
- - woodlands
- - forests
- - woods
- - memorials
- - service roads
- - boxwood gardens
- - express highways
- - rivers
- - clubs (associations)
- - New Deal
- - architectural elements
- - agricultural facilities
- - marks (symbols)
- - causeways
- - location maps (photocopies)
- - chronologies
- - Sunday schools
- - grandstands
- - linden trees
- - landscapes
- - ecology
- - forestry
- - open spaces & site elements
- - work camps
- - plants
- - grasses (plants)
- - sites
- - wilderness
- - landscaping plans (photocopies)
- - families
- - woody plants
- - nonwoody plants
- - herbaceous plants
- - biennials
- - communal living
- - pedestrian facilities
- - landings (marine structures)
- - Nature
- - prints (photocopies)
- - temporary structures
- - oak trees
- - hemlock trees
- - plans (photocopies)
- - paving brick
- - bronzework
- - bronze
- - Civilian Conservation Corps
- - restoration (process)
- - mulberry trees
- - natural phenomena
- - landscape architecture drawings
- - conjectural works
- - design drawings
- - contract drawings
- - measured drawings
- - architectural photographs
- - photographs
- - maps
- - associations
- - landscape paintings
- - peach trees
- - horticulture
- - locust trees
- - maps (photocopies)
- - vistas
- - views
- - displacement
- - botany
- - figures (representations)
- - walnut trees
- - persimmon trees
- - ash trees
- - agricultural exhibits
- - livestock
- - livestock
- - weeping willows
- - tenant farming
- - conjectural works (photocopies)
- - shores (landforms)
- - curvilinear paths
- - buildings distinguished by topographical location
- - views
- - war (Spanish-American war)
- - magnolia trees
- - cherry trees
- - epidemics
- - naturalistic landscape architecture
- - panoramic views
- - native plantings
- - ferns
- - race relations
- - race discrimination
- - racism
- - as-built drawings (photocopies)
- - gambling
- - vehicular bridges
- - cedar trees
- - pines
- - birches
- - deer
- - rabbits
- - schematic drawings
- - peach orchards
- - landscape architects
- - architects
- - hickory
- - dogwood
- - cedar
- - villages
- - military depots
- - military training
- - explosions
- - explosives
- - poplars
- - maples
- - explosives
- - torpedoes
- - water features
- - sheep
- - memorial landscapes
- - National Forest Service
- - relocation camps
- - military facilities
- - public works
- - District Of Columbia--District Of Columbia--Washington
Latitude / Longitude
- 38.89729,-77.064124
- - See also HABS DC-28 for additional documentation, includes drawings, photographs, and written data.
- - See also HAER VA-87, includes written data.
- - Significance: Theodore Roosevelt Island's primary significance rests on its role as a memorial to Theodore Roosevelt and his devotion to the conservation of America's natural resources. However, the site also enjoys a rich history with several additional periods of significance. Throughout its evolution, topography and geology have always mandated settlement patterns on and the development of the island landscape. Archeological evidence shows that the island was in use by the area's Native American tribes from prehistory until the early eighteenth century. Furthermore, the island's alternate name of Analostan likely originated through an association with the Necostin (Anacostian) Indians. In 1717, Revolutionary Patriot George Mason IV, author of the Virginia Bill of Rights, acquired the Island and established a ferry there in 1748. His son, John Mason, developed the island as a plantation estate and built a causeway connecting with the Virginia coast and a large Federal-style mansion, also named Analostan. The alternate historical name of Mason's Island stems from the Mason family's ownership of the site. Later, during the Civil War, Union forces occupied Theodore Roosevelt Island. During the summer of 1863 the island functioned as the camp of the 1st United States Colored Troops, an African American regiment composed of free blacks and escaped slaves. From May 1864-June 1865 a freedmen's refugee camp occupied much of the island, including the Mason mansion. Following a long period of transient ownership, short-term tenancy, and disuse, the Roosevelt Memorial Association (RMA) purchased the island in 1931 as a national memorial to the former president. The following year the RMA gave the island to the federal government, but maintained planting and development rights. Between 1934-1945 the RMA retained renowned landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. to replant the island as a planned wilderness "to be preserved as nearly as possible as in its natural state.” This concept of designed nature is significant in that it forces people to rethink the human relationship with the natural world, and indeed, what constitutes nature. Less abstractly, the planting plan, carried out by Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) workers, "represents one of the most complete expressions of Olmsted's ideals on scenic preservation, through his attempt to recreate the island's presumed former appearance so that it could continue its natural evolution to a stable, 'climax' forest." Finally, Gugler's plaza and Manship's Theodore Roosevelt sculpture represent a distinct step in the development of presidential memorials within Washington, DC.
- - Unprocessed Field note material exists for this structure: N15
- - Survey number: HALS DC-12
- - Building/structure dates: 1733-1792 Initial Construction
- - Building/structure dates: 1792-1833 Initial Construction
- - Building/structure dates: ca. 1797- 1802 Initial Construction
- - Building/structure dates: ca. 1796- ca. 1802 Initial Construction
- - Building/structure dates: 1852-1861 Subsequent Work
- - Building/structure dates: 1861-1865 Subsequent Work
- - Building/structure dates: 1863-1863 Subsequent Work
- - Building/structure dates: 1864-1864
- - Building/structure dates: 1864-1865 Subsequent Work
- - Building/structure dates: 1865-1867
- - Building/structure dates: 1867-1909 Demolished
- - Building/structure dates: ca. 1887- 1892 Subsequent Work
- - Building/structure dates: 1913-1914
- - Building/structure dates: 1914-1931
- - Building/structure dates: 1931-current Subsequent Work
- - Building/structure dates: 1932-1947 Subsequent Work
- - Building/structure dates: 1932-1947 Subsequent Work
- - Building/structure dates: 1932-1947 Subsequent Work
- - Building/structure dates: 1933-current Subsequent Work
- - Building/structure dates: 1934- ca. 1941 Subsequent Work
- - Building/structure dates: 1956-1966 Subsequent Work
- - Building/structure dates: 1956-1967 Subsequent Work
- - Building/structure dates: ca. 1961- 1966 Subsequent Work
- - Building/structure dates: 1963-1966 Subsequent Work
- - National Register of Historic Places NRIS Number: 66000869
- Photo(s): 46
- Measured Drawing(s): 14
- Data Page(s): 200
- Photo Caption Page(s): 3
Call Number/Physical Location
- HALS DC-12
Source Collection
- Historic American Landscapes Survey (Library of Congress)
- Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
Control Number
- dc1044
Rights Advisory
- No known restrictions on images made by the U.S. Government; images copied from other sources may be restricted.
Online Format
- image
Part of
- 1st U.S. Colored Infantry Regiment
- Association of Friends for the Aid and Elevation of the Freedmen
- Baldi & Sons
- Bradley Family
- Bradley, William A., Sr
- Clemmens, Meghan
- Columbia Athletic Club
- Dolinsky, Paul D.
- Fonderia Artistica Battaglia
- George Washington Memorial Parkway
- Gugler, Eric
- Hadfield, George
- Hepburn, David
- Historic American Landscapes Survey
- Hubbard, Henry V.
- Kidd, Anne E.
- Leiter, Joseph
- Lowe, Jet
- Manship, Paul
- Mason, George, IV
- Mason, John
- Mincey, Cal J.
- Muller, Bonita
- O'Connor, Richard
- Olmsted Brothers
- Olmsted, Frederick Law, Jr
- Pliska, Jonathan
- Roosevelt Memorial Association (Theodore Roosevelt Association)
- Rosenthal, James W.
- Stein, James
- Truth, Sojourner
- U.S. National Park Service
- Vela, David
- Washington Gas Light Company
- Wenchel, Andrew
- African Americans
- Agricultural Exhibits
- Agricultural Facilities
- Agriculture
- Allé
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- Architects
- Architectural Elements
- Architectural Photographs
- As-Built Drawings (Photocopies)
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- Beds (Site Elements)
- Benches
- Biennials
- Birches
- Botany
- Boxwood Gardens
- Bronze
- Bronzework
- Buildings Distinguished by Topographical Location
- Canopy Trees
- Causeways
- Cedar
- Cedar Trees
- Charity
- Cherry Trees
- Chronologies
- Civilian Conservation Corps
- Clubhouses
- Clubs (Associations)
- Communal Living
- Conjectural Works
- Conjectural Works (Photocopies)
- Contract Drawings
- Country Houses
- Curvilinear Paths
- Deciduous Trees
- Deer
- Design Drawings
- Displacement
- Dogwood
- Ecology
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- Epidemics
- Es
- Estates
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- Figures (Representations)
- Floor Plans
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- Grasses (Plants)
- Grounds
- Hemlock Trees
- Herbaceous Plants
- Hickory
- Historic Buildings
- Historic Sites
- Horticulture
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- Landings (Marine Structures)
- Landscape Architects
- Landscape Architecture Drawings
- Landscape Paintings
- Landscapes
- Landscaping Plans
- Landscaping Plans (Photocopies)
- Lawns
- Leisure
- Linden Trees
- Livestock
- Location Maps (Photocopies)
- Locust Trees
- Magnolia Trees
- Mansions
- Maples
- Maps
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- Marks (Symbols)
- Measured Drawings
- Memorial Landscapes
- Memorials
- Military Depots
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- Military Organizations
- Military Training
- Mulberry Trees
- National Forest Service
- National Parks & Reserves
- Native Plantings
- Natural Phenomena
- Naturalistic Landscape Architecture
- Nature
- New Deal
- Nonwoody Plants
- Oak Trees
- Open Spaces & Site Elements
- Orchards
- Panoramic Views
- Paths
- Paving Brick
- Peach Orchards
- Peach Trees
- Pedestrian Bridges
- Pedestrian Facilities
- Persimmon Trees
- Photographs
- Photographs (Photocopies)
- Picnic Grounds
- Pines
- Plans (Photocopies)
- Plant Material Lists
- Plantations
- Planting Drawings
- Plants
- Plazas
- Poplars
- Presidents & the Congress
- Prints (Photocopies)
- Public Works
- Rabbits
- Race Discrimination
- Race Relations
- Racism
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- Relocation Camps
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- Restoration (Process)
- Rivers
- Schematic Drawings
- Schools
- Sculpture
- Service Roads
- Sheep
- Shores (Landforms)
- Shrubs
- Sites
- Slave Quarters
- Slavery
- Sports
- Stonework (Granite)
- Story
- Sunday Schools
- Temporary Structures
- Tenant Farming
- Torpedoes
- Trails & Paths
- Trees
- Understory Trees
- Vegetable Gardens
- Vehicular Bridges
- Views
- Villages
- Vistas
- Walnut Trees
- War (Civil War)
- War (Spanish-American War)
- Water Features
- Watercolors (Photocopies)
- Weeping Willows
- Wilderness
- Woodlands
- Woods
- Woody Plants
- Work Camps