Event Lectures and Symposia Digital International Treasures, “The Persian Language Rare Materials Digitization Project”

Date and Location

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In celebration of the Persian New Year, or Nowruz, the African and Middle Eastern Division announced the online release of 150 Persian manuscripts from the division’s rare Persian language collections.

Originated from the various parts of Central, South and West Asia with some dating back to the 13th century, these manuscripts shed light on scientific, religious, philosophical and literary traditions of the Persian speaking lands. These manuscripts are a part of the larger effort to digitize all rare Persian treasures housed in AMED. Future releases will include additional Persian manuscripts, lithographic books and early imprints. The two-panel program will include conversations with experts and Library staff on the ways in which Persian manuscripts contribute to the study of language, literature, art history and culture as well as exploring the ways in which the Library digitizes unique collections, making content accessible for outreach and education.

Contact: (202) 707-7793.

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