Event Film and Video Screenings Countdown at Kusini (1976)

Date and Location

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COUNTDOWN AT KUSINI (Tan International – Gllip Production – DST Telecommunications / Columbia, U.S./Nigeria, 1976). Directed by Ossie Davis. Screenplay by Ossie Davis, Ladi Ladebo, and Al Freeman, Jr., based on the story by John Storm Roberts. With Ruby Dee, Greg Morris, Ossie Davis, Tom Aldredge, Michael Ebert, Thomas Baptiste. (99 min, color, 35mm print from the Copyright Collection).

A Black jazz musician visiting an independent African country becomes involved in the struggle against a puppet government controlled by multinational corporations. Filmed in Nigeria in 1974 but not released until 1976, this rarely seen film was largely financed by the storied African American sorority Delta Sigma Theta, established in 1913 at Howard University. The sorority-owned DST Telecommunications had the explicit goal of countering the “inaccurate portrayal of Black people in media,” in this case stereotypes of African Americans in Hollywood films, inclusive of the popular blaxploitation genre. Many Black professionals had donated both money and expertise to help make the film, but its release was mishandled by Columbia Pictures and it quickly disappeared from theatres. Versatile Cameroonian musician Manu Dibango provided the original score.

Seating is on a first-come first-serve basis.  Doors open at 6:30 pm.