Event Special Events Live! At the Library: Story Time for Grownups with Cece Bell, Raúl the Third, Jon Scieszka and National Ambassador of Young People's Literature

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Part of Live at the Library

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Can you still recite your favorite picture book from childhood? Are you a grown up who misses the magic of stories read aloud?

Award-winning author-illustrators Cece Bell and Raúl the Third, and 2008-2009 National Ambassador for Young People Literature Jon Scieszka, believe that picture books are important and give us an opportunity to be playful and mischievous, no matter our age.

 Learn about the surprising mechanics and artistry of picture books, enjoy stimulating read-alouds and indulge in storytime-themed beverages. We provide the blankets and hot chocolate, you put down the screens and get a chance to remember the wonderful parts of childhood.

The 2025-2026 National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature, Mac Barnett, will make a special guest appearance. 

The National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature is an initiative of the Library of Congress, in partnership with Every Child a Reader, with generous support from The Library of Congress James Madison Council , The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation and Dollar General Literacy Foundation. This event is co-sponsored by the Library’s Informal Learning Office.