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Photo, Print, Drawing Highlands Hammock State Park, 5931 Hammock Road, Sebring, Highlands County, FL

[ Photos from Survey HALS FL-10  ]

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About this Item


  • Highlands Hammock State Park, 5931 Hammock Road, Sebring, Highlands County, FL


  • Historic American Landscapes Survey, creator
  • Tropical Florida Parks Association
  • Roebling, Margaret Shippen
  • Highland's Hammock, Inc.
  • Blair, Alexander
  • Roebling Family
  • Arnold, J. Ray
  • Baker, Harry Lee
  • Florida State Park System
  • Florida Federation of Garden Clubs
  • Florida Botanical Gardens and Arboretum
  • Olmsted, Frederick Law, Jr.
  • DeSota State Forest
  • Vinten, Charles Raymond
  • Flint, Herbert L.
  • French, Prentiss
  • Phillips, William Lyman
  • Coldwell, Walter A.
  • Reinsmith, William M.
  • Roebling, John
  • Taylor, Albert Davis
  • Nolen, John
  • John Nolen & Associates
  • Stevens, Christopher M., transmitter
  • Driapsa, David J., historian
  • Lutrick, William "Bill", photographer
  • McPartland, Mary, transmitter

Created / Published

  • Documentation compiled after 2000


  • -  campgrounds
  • -  New Deal
  • -  Civilian Conservation Corps
  • -  public works
  • -  state parks & reserves
  • -  trails & paths
  • -  boardwalks
  • -  galleries & museums
  • -  picnic grounds
  • -  picnic tables
  • -  shelters
  • -  pavilions
  • -  trees
  • -  recreation
  • -  Florida--Highlands County--Sebring

Latitude / Longitude

  • 27.4710006,-81.530436


  • -  2014 Entry HALS Challenge: Documenting the Landscapes of the New Deal, Honorable Mention recipient.
  • -  Significance: Highlands Hammock State Park is significant in the early twentieth-century history of Florida as one of the nine state park units created through state planning for natural resource conservation, recreation, and tourism during the New Deal era. The Florida State Park System had its beginning in 1934 as a result of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal program to relieve the economic distress of unemployed American youth during the Great Depression. The large outlay of federal assistance made in Florida during the New Deal era to preserve scenic, historic, and scientific resources of the State includes nine units of the state park system. In 1933, the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was the first New Deal agency to begin operations in Florida. Between 1933 and 1942 the CCC assisted the state in constructing Florida Caverns State Park, Fort Clinch State Park, Gold Head Branch State Park, Highlands Hammock State Park, Hillsborough River State Park, Myakka River State Park, O’Leno State Park, and Torreya State Park, and the Works Progress Administration (WPA) assisted in constructing Ravine Gardens State Park. The assemblage of buildings, structures, objects, and cultural landscapes of the nine parks together exemplifies the New Deal era National Park Service inspired Rustic Style of master planned public recreational landscape. This New Deal era cultural landscape of Highlands Hammock State Park is at risk of being lost, threatened by the gradual diminishment of historic integrity, as are all nine New Deal era cultural landscapes in the Florida State Parks System. The reason is cultural landscapes are scarcely understood, Cultural Landscape Reports are lacking, maintenance is severely underfunded, and a shortage of technical staff to preserve them is imperiling historic New Deal era cultural landscapes in Florida.
  • -  Survey number: HALS FL-10
  • -  Building/structure dates: ca. 1934- ca. 1936 Initial Construction


  • Photo(s): 5
  • Measured Drawing(s): 1
  • Data Page(s): 17
  • Photo Caption Page(s): 1

Call Number/Physical Location

  • HALS FL-10

Source Collection

  • Historic American Landscapes Survey (Library of Congress)


Control Number

  • fl0792

Rights Advisory

Online Format

  • image
  • pdf

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  • Call Number: HALS FL-10
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Cite This Item

Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Historic American Landscapes Survey, Creator, Tropical Florida Parks Association, Margaret Shippen Roebling, Inc Highland'S Hammock, Alexander Blair, Roebling Family, J. Ray Arnold, et al., Lutrick, William "Bill", photographer. Highlands Hammock State Park,Hammock Road, Sebring, Highlands County, FL. Highlands County Florida Sebring, 2000. translateds by Stevens, Christopher M.Mitter, and Mcpartland, Marymitter Documentation Compiled After. Photograph.

APA citation style:

Historic American Landscapes Survey, C., Tropical Florida Parks Association, Roebling, M. S., Highland'S Hammock, I., Blair, A., Roebling Family [...] Driapsa, D. J., Lutrick, W. "., photographer. (2000) Highlands Hammock State Park,Hammock Road, Sebring, Highlands County, FL. Highlands County Florida Sebring, 2000. Stevens, C. M. M. & McPartland, M., transs Documentation Compiled After. [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Historic American Landscapes Survey, Creator, et al., photographer by Lutrick, William "Bill". Highlands Hammock State Park,Hammock Road, Sebring, Highlands County, FL. trans by Stevens, Christopher M.Mitter, and Mcpartland, Marymitter Documentation Compiled After. Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.