(May 7, 2014) Two weeks after its introduction and following intense deliberation among members of Tunisia’s assembly, on May 2, 2014, 132 members voted in favor and 11 against a new electoral law. This piece of legislation governs the country’s presidential and the parliamentary elections. (The National Assembly Passes New Election Law [in Arabic], AL JAZEERA (May 1, 2014).) No date was set for an election. (Pros and Cons of the New Election Law [in Arabic], AL JAZEERA (May 2, 2014).)
The adoption of the law was controversial. Political parties opposing the law claim that article 167 of the law grants an opportunity to individuals affiliated with the former regime to run for the presidency, as well as for the parliament. Further, the law did not exclude individuals loyal to the former regime who used to hold high public positions from being rehired in such positions. On the other hand, political parties supporting the law call the passage of this law a milestone on the road of democracy. They also claim that the law plays a key role in promoting the principle of equal rights between women and men. Article 23 of the law requires 50% of party lists for the vote to be women. (Assembly Approves Electoral Law, Paving the Way for 2014 Polls, TUNISIA LIVE (May 6, 2014).)