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Chicago citation style:
Freyhold, Edward, G. K Warren, Julius Bien, Millard Fillmore, and United States War Department. Territory of the United States from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean; originally prepared to accompany the reports of the explorations for a Pacific railroad route. [Washington, D.C. War Dept, 1868] Map.
APA citation style:
Freyhold, E., Warren, G. K., Bien, J., Fillmore, M. & United States War Department. (1868) Territory of the United States from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean; originally prepared to accompany the reports of the explorations for a Pacific railroad route. [Washington, D.C. War Dept] [Map] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Freyhold, Edward, et al. Territory of the United States from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean; originally prepared to accompany the reports of the explorations for a Pacific railroad route. [Washington, D.C. War Dept, 1868] Map. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.