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Chicago citation style:
Hunter, John. Plan of part of the River Delaware from Chester to Philadelphia, in which is mark'd the position of His Majs. ships on the 15th. of November . The obstructions to the navigation of the river, laid down by the rebels, are also mark'd. [1778] Map.
APA citation style:
Hunter, J. (1778) Plan of part of the River Delaware from Chester to Philadelphia, in which is mark'd the position of His Majs. ships on the 15th. of November . The obstructions to the navigation of the river, laid down by the rebels, are also mark'd. [Map] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Hunter, John. Plan of part of the River Delaware from Chester to Philadelphia, in which is mark'd the position of His Majs. ships on the 15th. of November . The obstructions to the navigation of the river, laid down by the rebels, are also mark'd. [1778] Map. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.