Audio Recording Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile! Her soldier boy
Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile!
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About this Item
- Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile!
Other Title
- Her soldier boy
- Male vocal solo, with chorus and orchestra
- Hooley, William F. -- Vocalist -- Bass Vocal
- Powell, Felix -- Composer
- Hamilton, Edward -- Vocalist -- Baritone Vocal
- Pasternack, Josef -- Conductor
- Asaf, George -- Lyricist
- Kline, Olive -- Vocalist -- Soprano Vocal
- Marsh, Lucy Isabelle -- Vocalist -- Soprano Vocal
- Baker, Elsie -- Vocalist -- Contralto
- Wheeler, Elizabeth -- Vocalist -- Soprano Vocal
- Murphy, Lambert -- Vocalist -- Tenor Vocal
- Macdonough, Harry -- Vocalist -- Tenor Vocal
- Musical theater
- Ethnic characterizations
Media Size
- 10-inch
Recording Label
- Victor
Recording Catalog Number
- 18222
Recording Matrix Number
- B-18924 (Matrix ID)
Recording Take Number
- 1
Recording Date
- 1916-12-22
Recording Location
- Camden, New Jersey
Recording Repository
- Source of original recording: Recorded Sound Section, Library of Congress.
Rights Advisory
- Inclusion of the recording in the National Jukebox, courtesy of Sony Music Entertainment
Online Format
- audio
- image
IIIF Presentation Manifest
Part of
- Asaf, George
- Baker, Elsie
- Hamilton, Edward
- Hooley, William F.
- Kline, Olive
- Macdonough, Harry
- Marsh, Lucy Isabelle
- Murphy, Lambert
- Pasternack, Josef
- Powell, Felix
- Wheeler, Elizabeth
- Baker, Elsie
- Hamilton, Edward
- Hooley, William F.
- Kline, Olive
- Macdonough, Harry
- Marsh, Lucy Isabelle
- Murphy, Lambert
- Wheeler, Elizabeth