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Manuscript/Mixed Material American Colony in Jerusalem Collection: Part I: Scrapbook compiled by Fannie L. Koster and given to Bertha Spafford Vester

About this Item


  • American Colony in Jerusalem Collection: Part I: Scrapbook compiled by Fannie L. Koster and given to Bertha Spafford Vester


  • American Colony (Associated name)
  • Vester, Bertha Spafford, 1878-1968 (Addressee)
  • Koster, Fannie L. (Creator)

Created / Published

  • 1908 to ca. 1926


  • -  Spafford, Anna T., 1842-1923
  • -  Moody, Dwight Lyman, 1837-1899--Portrait
  • -  American Colony in Jerusalem
  • -  Jerusalem--History
  • -  Whiting, Ruth
  • -  Gould, Amelia
  • -  Rudy, William
  • -  Dinsmore, Mary
  • -  Dinsmore, John
  • -  Manuscripts
  • -  Miscellaneous Documents
  • -  Palestine -- Jerusalem
  • -  United States -- New York -- Brooklyn


  • Manuscripts
  • Miscellaneous Documents


  • -  Black bound scrapbook containing clippings, correspondence, pictures, and ephemera, with loose enclosures, representing exchanges over years between friend and patron Fannie L. Koster of Brooklyn, N.Y., and the American Colony.
  • -  Contents includes original correspondence between Koster and the American Colony (Mrs. Charles Henry Koster and Bertha Spafford Vester, Jacob Spafford, Mary and John Dinsmore, Emily Meyers, Hannah Larson, Ruth Whiting Goldenthal, Lewis Larsson, Edmund Wilson Whiting, etc.) re American Colony activities, American Colony members, and domestic life; and clippings, programs, and other materials about Jerusalem and its institutions and organizations, the Christian faith, Holy Land tourism and adult education. May and July 1914 letters re death of Mrs. Gould; July 1918 letter re the social impact of the transition to British authority in Jerusalem; Oct 1921 letter re the Moody Training Home and friendship of the Spaffords and Moody; 1923 correpondence re the final illnes and death of Anna Spafford, including February 1923 letter between Faidy Alim [spelling?] and Brother Jacob [Jacob Spafford], and April 18, 1923 funeral invitation; one document in Arabic script (inserted ca. 1923, p. 75); Mary Dinsmore and John Dinsmore letters June 15, 1924.
  • -  Printed inserts include colorized postcards of the American Colony (n.d., ca. 1908, edition Fr Vester & Co. No. 49) and of the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer and of the Kaiser and Kaiserin in Jerusalem; guide to Roman catacombs; 1908 souvenir booklet for trip from Jordan to Jericho and Jerusalem; a map of Old City Jerusalem, ca. 1908, showing location of the Vester & Co--American Colony store, etc; program of tne Newman Biblical Institute and Missionary Training School, Spring lectures for 1914; invitation to an American School of Oriental Research lecture on Antioch, 1914; clipping of American Colony children in 4th of July celebration 1914 and typed program; International Armistice Anniversary concert program, Jerusalem, 1919; clippings of American Colony celebrations in 1919-1920, snow in Jerusalem 1920, and on officials of the British Mandate ca. 1924 (Herbert Stanley, Ronald Storrs); clippings re the Zionist convention and development of plans/model for Hebrew University, Mt. Scopus.
  • -  Photographs include group portrait of "some children of the American Colony, Jerusalem, in 1911" (Frederick Meyers, Tanetta Vester, Robert Mitchell, Hebert Naseef, Jacob Naseef, Horatio Vester, Mahomet, Anna Grace Vester) (p. 5); photograph of "The grandchildren of Horatio G. Spafford" (Anna Grace Vester, Horatio Vester, Tanetta Vester, Spafford Whiting, Jack Vester, David Whiting, Louisa Vester, Frieda Vester, Edmund Wilson Whiting), ca. 1920 (p. 24); color photograph of Frederick and Bertha Vester with Capt. Law and Mrs. Gray Donald on the top of Baal, ca. 1921 (p. ); snapshots of Spafford and Wilson Whiting and Christmas at the Colony in 1922 (p. 62); black & white photo of "the new house, finished and occupied" at the American Colony, 1923 (p. 67); a photograph of Ruth Whiting and Maurice Goldenthal's wedding cake, 1923 (p. 71); black and white photos of Ain Karim and of the Vester family at Ain Karim, September 11, 1923 (Horatio, Jock, Louisa, Bertha, Frederick, Tanetta and Frieda Vester, 1923) (p. 77); images of young children with Sister Miriam (including Dorothy, Wilson, Nils Levy) ca. May 1924 (p. 88]; photos of Edmund Wilson Whiting with Frieda Vester 1924 [p. 90]; photo of funeral for a traveler who died in the Friends Hospital, March 13, 1924 (showing ArchDeacon Waddy, the American Consul Mr. Heiser, and others) [p. 92]; photo of the American Colony "courtyard with the hanging roses" [p. 92 ff]; 1924 photos of a tea and gatherings in honor of the Beaumonts [p. 94] and of various children [pp. 75, 99] (including Elizabeth Matson and others).


  • scrapbook 12" x 10" closed

Call Number/Physical Location

  • Part 1, OV 6: American Colony in Jerusalem
  • series: Part I: Topical File, 1871-2004

Source Collection

  • American Colony in Jerusalem Collection


  • Manuscript Division

Digital Id

Online Format

  • image

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Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

American Colony, Bertha Spafford Vester, and Fannie L Koster. American Colony in Jerusalem Collection: Part I: Scrapbook compiled by Fannie L. Koster and given to Bertha Spafford Vester. 1908 to, 1908. Manuscript/Mixed Material.

APA citation style:

American Colony, Vester, B. S. & Koster, F. L. (1908) American Colony in Jerusalem Collection: Part I: Scrapbook compiled by Fannie L. Koster and given to Bertha Spafford Vester. 1908 to. [Manuscript/Mixed Material] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

American Colony, Bertha Spafford Vester, and Fannie L Koster. American Colony in Jerusalem Collection: Part I: Scrapbook compiled by Fannie L. Koster and given to Bertha Spafford Vester. 1908 to, 1908. Manuscript/Mixed Material. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.