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Film, Video Blame It on Love

About this Item


  • Blame It on Love


  • Wilding Picture Productions
  • Fox, Wallace
  • Marsh, Joan
  • Loftus, Cecilia
  • Snyder, William E.

Created / Published

  • 1940


  • -  Fiction films


  • Fiction films


  • -  Summary: Sponsor: Edison General Electric Appliance Co "Narrative promoting the sponsor's Hotpoint appliance line. The plot involves a wealthy manufacturing heir who elopes with a nightclub singer who can't cook. When the couple break up, the singer goes to cooking school, learns how to use Hotpoint appliances, and prepares the perfect meal for her estranged husband. They reunite and the accomplished cook earns the respect of her formerly unsupportive in-laws. The film includes scenes of a television program promoting the Hotpoint electric range. NOTE: Reginald Leborg directed the musical sequences."--Field guide to sponsored films. 2006. "A musical drama concerns singer (Joan Marsh) who quits her career to get married (John King)--good opening montage of New York City nightclubs with neon signs--good scene of groom carrying bride over the threshhold--good scene with model airplane flying around meeting room of board of businessmen--woman preparing for early television program (makeup is discussed) asks the question, "Is anyone today still interested in housekeeping?"--man notes, "Someday television will sweep the country, just like radio."--many good shots of people watching TV, listening to radio--scenes of experimental television program which becomes a household hints show promoting Hotpoint electric range for cooking by the modern woman." -- Summary taken from J. Fred MacDonald films document (RPAR 8/21/2012).


  • Film, Video

Call Number/Physical Location

  • Mavis identifier: 1903669

Source Collection

  • Macdonald (J. Fred And Leslie W.) Collection


  • Motion Picture, Broadcasting And Recorded Sound Division

Online Format

  • image
  • video

Rights & Access

The Library of Congress is not aware of any U.S. copyright or other restrictions in the vast majority of motion pictures in these collections. Absent any such restrictions, these materials are free to use and reuse.

In rare cases, copyrighted motion pictures are made available by special permission to the Library and may be used only for educational purposes. For example, the Gershwin home movies fall within this category. Rights assessment is your responsibility. No registration information exists for some titles, and reproduction of some titles may be restricted by privacy rights, publicity rights, licensing and trademarks. Additionally, some works may still be protected by copyright in the United States or some foreign countries. The written permission of the copyright owners in materials not in the public domain is required for distribution, reproduction, or other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemptions.

Whenever possible, we provide information that we have about copyright owners and related matters in the catalog records, finding aids and other texts that accompany collections. You should consult the catalog information that accompanies each item for specific information. This catalog data provides the details known to the Library of Congress regarding the corresponding item and may assist you in making independent assessments of the legal status of these items for their desired uses. You should also consult restrictions associated with donations to the Library.

Credit Line: Library of Congress, Motion Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division.

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Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Wilding Picture Productions, Wallace Fox, Joan Marsh, Cecilia Loftus, and William E Snyder. Blame It on Love. 1940. Video.

APA citation style:

Wilding Picture Productions, Fox, W., Marsh, J., Loftus, C. & Snyder, W. E. (1940) Blame It on Love. [Video] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Wilding Picture Productions, et al. Blame It on Love. 1940. Video. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.