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Film, Video Golden Trails. Alternate Title: The Golden Trail

About this Item


  • Golden Trails.

Other Title

  • Alternate Title: The Golden Trail


  • Dyer, Elmer
  • Meehan, Lew
  • Moody, Harry
  • Carter, Dick

Created / Published

  • 1927


  • -  Feature films


  • Feature films


  • -  Sound: This moving image content is silent, and was created without sound or a soundtrack.
  • -  Summary: Steve Prater repossesses Jack Remsen's property, including his horse, just after Jack's partner, Pop Curran, is killed in a mining accident. Rather than give up his horse (who Jack considers to be his pal), Jack runs away and is able to avoid capture. Jack had promised to look after Pop's daughter who is coming to town. He interrupts the stagecoach mid-trip in order to meet the passegners. He assumes that the young woman passenger is Pop's daughter. In fact, she is Della, Prater's daughter who is on her way home from school in the east. The stagecoach stops overnight and Jack continues his efforts to make contact with the young woman he believes to be Pop's daughter. During the trip, Della is befriended by Peter Lacey whose real name is Pete Lascalles, a wanted bandit whose face is unknown. After learning that Della's father is a prosperous businessman, Lascalles hatches a plan to kidnap Della and hold her for ransom. Della is lured away from the stagecoach by a note from her father, forged by Lascalles' accomplice, Carver Cooley. When the stagecoach arrives in town without Della, Prater discovers that his daugher has left the stagecoach and he finds a ransom note in his pocket. Prater pays the five thousand dollar ransom, but it appears that Lascalles is not going to set Della free. Prater reports to the sheriff what has happened and a posse sets out to rescue Della. In the meanwhile, Jack has already rescued Della and captured Lascalles' gang. They stop at a miner's shack to rest. Pursued by the posse, Lascalles and Cooley head to the miner's shack to hide out and rest their horses. When Lascalles discovers Della in the cabin, a fight ensues between Lascalles and Jack. Jack is able to subdue both Lascalles and Cooley. The posse arrives at the cabin and Lascalles and Cooley are taken into custody, Prater retrieves the ransom money and is reunited with his daughter. Jack discovers his mistake--that Della is Prater's daughter. Jack later learns that Mary, Pop's daughter, has gotten married and is coming later on her honeymoon. Prater gives Remsen's repossessed property to his daughter as a wedding present as Della admits her feelings for Jack.


  • Film, Video

Call Number/Physical Location

  • Mavis identifier: 2133570

Source Collection

  • Jon C. Mirsalis Collection (Library Of Congress)


  • Motion Picture, Broadcasting And Recorded Sound Division

Online Format

  • image
  • video

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The Library of Congress is not aware of any U.S. copyright or other restrictions in the vast majority of motion pictures in these collections. Absent any such restrictions, these materials are free to use and reuse.

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Credit Line: Library of Congress, Motion Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division.

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Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Dyer, Elmer, Lew Meehan, Harry Moody, and Dick Carter. Golden Trails. 1927. Video.

APA citation style:

Dyer, E., Meehan, L., Moody, H. & Carter, D. (1927) Golden Trails. [Video] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Dyer, Elmer, et al. Golden Trails. 1927. Video. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.