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Film, Video Ridin' Wild. Alternate Title: Riding wild

About this Item


  • Ridin' Wild.

Other Title

  • Alternate Title: Riding wild


  • Robert J. Horner Productions
  • Miller, Virgil
  • Barrymore, William
  • De La Mothe, Leon

Created / Published

  • 1925


  • -  Feature films


  • Feature films


  • -  Sound: This moving image content is silent, and was created without sound or a soundtrack.
  • -  Summary: Like many Easterners who suffer from consumption, "The White Plague," Jim Warren goes to Arizona for the curative powers of its dry climate. When he arrives in Tucson, though, he cannot find a room because he is a "lunger." Ill and despondent, Jim is befriended by Betty Blake, the daughter of rancher and town sheriff Frank Blake, who suggests that he try the open desert. Wandering the desert, Jim happens upon members of the gang headed by Scar-face Jordon, a notorious rustler. The gang teases Jim, but when Jordon, who had earlier thrown Jim out of the town hotel, sees him, he orders his men to make Jim stay with the horses so that he will not reveal their location to the sheriff. Some time later, Blake, who has received a wanted poster and a letter from another sheriff, warning him that Jordon's gang may be near, is concerned that the gang will rob the incoming stage. Because Betty will be on the stage, which is carrying a large shipment of gold, Frank organizes a posse. When the stage approaches Tucson, the Jordon gang stops it, but the driver kicks one of the horses to make the stage dart away. Seeing the runaway stage, Jim, who has learned to ride, chases and stops it. When Frank and his deputies arrive, he is grateful to Jim and deputizes him to stay with Betty while he and the others chase down the gang. The gang gets away, but when Frank returns to the stage, Jim is still there and asks for a job. Frank agrees, and soon Jim becomes stronger and very adept at riding. One day, Jim happily returns from town to tell Betty, with whom he has fallen in love, that the doctor has told him he no longer has a lung problem. He then asks Betty to marry him, and she agrees, on condition that he enters the upcoming rodeo and win one of the prizes. That same day, Jordon, whose true identity is unknown to Betty, warns her against Jim, then tries to attack her. Jim prevents the attack but incurs Jordon's wrath. On the day of the rodeo, one of Jordon's men puts on a phony badge and "arrests" Jim, then rides out of town with him. As the rodeo starts, Betty and Frank wonder where Jim has gone. Out on the trail, Jim sees the rest of the gang and realizes what has happened. He gets away from them and arrives in time to enter various rodeo events. Also at the rodeo is visiting Sheriff Waddell, who recognizes Jordon and ties him and his men up. At the end of the rodeo, Jim reminds Betty of her promise, saying that he won all of the prizes. Frank then congratulates his future son-in-law and says he won another prize, too.


  • Film, Video

Call Number/Physical Location

  • Mavis identifier: 2340957

Source Collection

  • Rick Scheckman Collection (Library Of Congress)


  • Motion Picture, Broadcasting And Recorded Sound Division

Online Format

  • image
  • video

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The Library of Congress is not aware of any U.S. copyright or other restrictions in the vast majority of motion pictures in these collections. Absent any such restrictions, these materials are free to use and reuse.

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Credit Line: Library of Congress, Motion Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division.

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Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Robert J. Horner Productions, Virgil Miller, William Barrymore, and Leon De La Mothe. Ridin' Wild. 1925. Video.

APA citation style:

Robert J. Horner Productions, Miller, V., Barrymore, W. & De La Mothe, L. (1925) Ridin' Wild. [Video] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Robert J. Horner Productions, et al. Ridin' Wild. 1925. Video. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.