Collection Manuscript/Mixed Material Shirley Jackson papers,
About this Item
- Shirley Jackson papers,
- Correspondence; diaries; journals; manuscripts, typescripts, and galleys of articles, books, and short stories; notes; college notebooks; Hyman and Jackson family papers; watercolors; pencil and ink drawings; and other papers pertaining primarily to the development of Jackson's novels and short stories as well as to her supernatural tales and to her humorous stories about contemporary domestic life. Family correspondents include Jackson's husband, Stanley Edgar Hyman, and her parents, Leslie H. Jackson and Geraldine B. Jackson. Other correspondents include Walter Bernstein; Jean Brockway; Elizabeth "Libby" Batterham Burke; John Ciardi; Pascal Covici; Carol Black Livaudais; June Mirken Mintz; Frank Orenstein; Louis L. Scher; Mary Shaw; Robert M. Strauss; Louis Untermeyer; Jay Williams; the publishing firm of Farrar, Straus and Young; and Jackson's literary agents, Brandt & Brandt and the Music Corporation of America.
- Jackson, Shirley, 1916-1965
- - Bernstein, Walter--Correspondence
- - Brockway, Jean--Correspondence
- - Burke, Elizabeth Batterham--Correspondence
- - Ciardi, John,--1916-1986--Correspondence
- - Covici, Pascal,--1930---Correspondence
- - Hyman, Stanley Edgar,--1919-1970--Correspondence
- - Jackson, Geraldine B.--Correspondence
- - Jackson, Leslie H.--Correspondence
- - Livaudais, Carol Black--Correspondence
- - Mintz, June Mirken--Correspondence
- - Orenstein, Frank--Correspondence
- - Scher, Louis L.--Correspondence
- - Shaw, Mary--Correspondence
- - Strauss, Robert M.--Correspondence
- - Untermeyer, Louis,--1885-1977--Correspondence
- - Williams, Jay,--1914-1978--Correspondence
- - Hyman family
- - Jackson family
- - Brandt & Brandt--Correspondence
- - Farrar, Straus and Young--Correspondence
- - Music Corporation of America--Correspondence
- - American fiction
- - Fiction
- - Horror tales, American
- - Humorous stories, American
- - Short stories, American
- - Supernatural in literature
- - Arranged in two parts composed of eleven series.
- - Part I arranged in five series. Series 1: Diaries and Journal, 1932-1936; Series 2: Family Correspondence, 1944-1965; Series 3: General Correspondence, 1933-1965; Series 4: Literary Manuscripts; and Series 5: Miscellany, 1937-1964.
- - Part II arranged in six series. Series 1: Diary and Diary Notes, 1932-1934; Series 2: Family Papers, 1938-1965 Series 3: Correspondence, 1936-1970; Series 4: Literary File, 1943-1970; Series 5: Miscellany, 1938-1966; and Series 6: Addition, 1953-1991.
- - Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: Container number, Shirley Jackson Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
- - Gift, Stanley Edgar Hyman, 1967.
- - Other gift, 1991-1997.
- - Audiotape transferred to Library of Congress Motion Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division.
- - Selected artifacts transferred to Smithsonian Institution.
- - Author.
- - Collection material in English.
- - Finding aid available in the Library of Congress Manuscript Reading Room and at
- - Material was transferred to this collection from the Manuscript Division's Stanley Edgar Hyman papers.
- 7,500 items.
- 52 containers.
- 20.6 linear feet.
- Library of Congress Manuscript Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA dcu
Library of Congress Control Number
- mm78052522
Access Advisory
- Open to research.
LCCN Permalink
Additional Metadata Formats
Finding Aid
- American Fiction
- Bernstein, Walter
- Brandt & Brandt
- Brockway, Jean
- Burke, Elizabeth Batterham
- Ciardi, John
- Correspondence
- Covici, Pascal
- Farrar, Straus and Young
- Fiction
- Horror Tales, American
- Humorous Stories, American
- Hyman Family
- Hyman, Stanley Edgar
- Jackson Family
- Jackson, Geraldine B.
- Jackson, Leslie H.
- Livaudais, Carol Black
- Mintz, June Mirken
- Music Corporation of America
- Orenstein, Frank
- Scher, Louis L.
- Shaw, Mary
- Short Stories, American
- Strauss, Robert M.
- Supernatural in Literature
- Untermeyer, Louis
- Williams, Jay